Chapter 21

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Morgan's P.O.V:

"Mackenzie what the fuck?"

She cringes, "Sorry."

I lean in closer to her, "You seriously think I want to talk to her right now? Of all times?"

She glances up at Ms Dean and I slap her shoulder to get her attention.

"Sorry, sorry. You can't expect me to not be surprised after you tell me something like that." She replies while rubbing her arm.

I roll my eyes, "Yeah but that doesn't mean you have to express that surprise verbally."

"Well..." She chews on her lip, "I can't help but say I told you so." That earns her another slap, this one much harder.

She winces, "Dude seriously stop, I'm gonna loose function in my arm."

I groan and lay my head down on the desk.

Of course this has to happen. Right when I don't even want to be in her class, I have to be confronted by her.

I know without even asking that what she wants to talk about hasn't got anything to do with Mackenzie— it has to do with her and I.

Not that I don't like her, it's just... what happened wasn't right and I can't cheat. Wont cheat.

"Can I ask a question?" I hear Mackenzie ask.

I sigh inwardly, "Go ahead."

A lengthy pause.

"It's a two parter."

Lifting my head up I glare, "Just shut up and ask."

"So, 1," she holds up a finger, "was she a good kisser?" My jaw drops but she continues before I have a chance to say anything, "And two" —she holds up another finger— "did she have nice boobs."

The answer to at least one of those questions was a yes, as much as I hate to admit it.

Instead of slapping her again, I reply calmly, "That's none of your business."

"You kinda made it my business after telling me this, so..." She looks at me in anticipation.

I sigh, "She was a pretty good kisser, and we didn't get so far as to..."

Filling in the blanks she says, "Fuck?"

I nod.

"Huh." She then says, crossing her arms, "I bet she would've moaned really loud like—," She begins enacting— loudly— what Alyssa's moans would sound like.

"MACKENZIE!" I all but shout, shoving my hand in her face to cover her mouth.

She mumbles what seems to be an apology into my hand.

"If you say another word I swear to god I will—,"

"Girls, detention." Alyssa's voice makes me drop my hand and sigh.

"Great." I say to no one in particular.


The bell rings and Mackenzie and I stand, "If you had just shut your mouth we would've had to talk to her for 5 minutes." I whisper frustratedly, "But now we have a whole lunch period to spend with her."

As we begin walking to Alyssa's desk she replies, "It's not a big deal, it'll be over before you know it."

"Just..." A few steps away from her desk now, "Just don't say anything stupid, ok?"


We come to a stop in front of Alyssa, who had her head down while marking.

She flicks her gaze up, quickly glancing at Mackenzie before focusing on me. She adjusts her glasses.

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