Chapter 19

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Alyssa's P.O.V:

What have I done.

I hadn't moved an inch since Morgan had left, as though the guilt had planted me to the floor.

What have I done.

Sinking to the bathroom floor, I can't help but reminisce over the way her lips had felt and how she'd tasted...

But it was wrong of me to even know those things, wrong of me to have done what I did.

And now, I realise, I might've ruined the relationship with the one person that made me smile as I woke up— Morgan.

If it was possible to be consumed by the floor I would have been, but for now my thoughts were doing a good job of that instead.

Was it wrong to feel this way? I hug my knees.

The way she'd looked at me before she'd left made me more confused than ever, because the look in her eyes was so completely unreadable.

I repeat what she'd said to me quietly, "I kissed you back."

Perhaps that was the one thing that made me regret my motives the most: the thought that she could feel the same way.


Morgan's P.O.V:

Currently laying face down on my bed, I allow sleep to overcome me before I had the chance to wallow in my own thoughts.

But before I could do that, the door to my room opens.

Yet I couldn't bring myself to look over my shoulder to check, but I already knew exactly who it was— and when they climbed onto my back it made me all that more certain.

"Babe, what're you doing?" Kylie asks, now sitting on my backside, tracing her fingers over my shoulder blades.

I grunt, which makes her persist.

"Morgannnn." She drawls, sliding her hands over my shoulders, "What're you doing?"

"Nothing." I reply, my response muffled by the bedsheets.

"Waiting for me, hm?"

I shuffle out from beneath her, and sit to face her on the bed, "Yes, I was." Then add curtly, "Because it seems you never want to let me know when you're going out or when you're going to be back."

She stiffens, before her gaze turns stony.
"Why do you even care."

Exasperated, I fling my arms into the air, "Why do you think Kylie? Maybe because you're my girlfriend and I never know where you are."

She moves to speak but I interrupt, "Do you have any idea how scary that is? Not to mention how it can come across as?"

She raises an eyebrow, "What do you mean?"

I fold my arms and say slowly, "You're not cheating on me are you?"

"Absolutely not!" Her voice immediately changes as she moves toward me, a hand touching my chest, "I would never do such a thing Morgan."

Looking into her eyes, I truly didn't know what to believe anymore.

"And how dare you accuse me of something like that." She pulls her hand back swiftly, all but glaring at me.

Unsure of what else to do, I apologise.

"Save it," she holds up a hand, "I'm going to have a shower and when I'm back you'd better have a different mindset."

And with that she gets of the bed and storms into the bathroom, leaving me to feel quite empty.

She was right, I shouldn't have assumed. She wouldn't do that sort of thing— I was overthinking it.

Alyssa was wrong, and I was a terrible person for even half considering that it could be true.

I fall backwards into the bed, trying to ignore the thoughts about Alyssa that begged to be brought to attention.

The only way to avoid them, I think, is distraction and ignorance.

So with that, I wait for my girlfriend.


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