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A GROUP OF kids made their way into sandy biome

"So where the base?" A feminine voice call out

"I don't really know the pen says that it should be right here" A young boy responded to her question

"They lie to to us!" The younglings cry out loud

"Guys calm down im sure there something here" The soft spoken girl try to reason with them. The male beside her sighs, as he sees her comforting them. Getting goosebumps, he sense something staring behind his head. Turning around he sees nothing around him, only kids. Seeing that it was nothing he went back to his mission.

"Emma give me the pen I wanna see something"

The girl know as Emma took out the pen and gave it to the black hair boy. Taking the pen he using it and found a secret bunker underground

"I'll go first Emma" He says to her opening the secret base door making a cricking rusty sound a bunch of dust flooded their vision nodding to him

"Be careful Ray"

Walking down to the latter one by one each carefully got down safely. A door after that long walk through the hallway all they saw was doors until they stumble down a door in front of them. Ray about to touch the door knob heard a noise he look back and nod his head indicating to be ready just in case. Taking a deep breath he opens up the door.

"Welcome to shelter B06-32, kids"

"Welcome to shelter B06-32, kids"

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𝗧𝗛𝗘 𝗥𝗘𝗔𝗟 𝗗𝗘𝗠𝗢𝗡:𝗧𝗣𝗡Where stories live. Discover now