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      THE SKY WAS shining a bright blue today, the winds blowing through the trees. It was a calming sight before the storm comes in soon.

"(name) calm down with your breakfast, it's not going anywhere. And don't be choking like yesterday now" Violets sighs to herself, seeing (name) munch away on her food.

"I'll be fine!"

Breakfast was much earlier than it was before. Much by Oliver's orders, he wants everyone to be prepared mentally and physically before the fight starts out. They have to be prepared no matter what.

Oliver clears his throat, catching the attention of the others "Alright guys, the music can start playing any moment now" He spoke out loud.

"Just make sure you're prepare and ready" They gave in firm nods.

A rhythm of music notes starts playing out of the speaker, the music that is loud and clear, fill in the children ears, as they prepare what going to happen next.

Oliver grabs his weapons, the rest taking his lead "Get in your position!"

"Yes!" All the kids yelled in unison. Each one of them scatter around the colorful village and forest. Hiding themselves and getting into their position.

(name) sighs before rolling her eyes, following behind Oliver and Emma.
They hid carefully in the main plaza, whistles could be heard and some type of explosion.

Oliver takes a deep breath 'That the signal' He looks at (name) and Emma for a moment, before hearing footsteps.

'He coming... You got this, it's only 15 minutes. Do this not only for you but for them' He nods in determination, gripping his weapon strongly, his knuckles turning white while doing so before letting go.

'15 minutes huh...' (name) thought to herself. 'Well this should be fun!' She smiles, she can't wait to play around with Leuvis.

The demon eyed around the village that is full with color "Come out..." Leuvis voice calls out, he walks around trying to find the person that he wants. His pet monkey following his lead, you can hear his little small paws hitting on the ground.

Emma stare at him for a moment "(name) does he know that you're helping us?" Emma ask in a hush tone.

She shook her head "No.." (name) mumble "He doesn't know I'm helping you guys..." Oliver raise a brow.

"And you plan telling us this now?" He said to her, making sure to lower his voice though he wanted to do the opposite.

"It slip my mind really" She swatted the air gave him a silly expression before standing up quietly, leaving Oliver and Emma behind. She hid in another place, she knows what Leuvis is going to do next. Oliver deadpanned, while Emma shakes her head. "Sigh I have to change plans for you than" He puts his hands on his chin and mumble.

He should've known. The moment she appears in Goldy Pond, he should've know that she was going to help them. He should've know that she always have something planned in her mind. "(name)" Leuvis calls out, Oliver mouth her to go. She squinted her eyes for a minute trying to read his lips she makes a 'ahh' face and follows his orders.

"Hi Leuvis! What makes you appear here in such a beautiful day!" She clap her hands. He scoffed and clap his own claws.

"Where is she?"

"Where is who?" (name) tilts her head to the side.

"Don't play dumb with me, you know who I'm talking about" He clicks his tongue.

She smirks "You mean Emma?" She questions him, though she already knows the answer to that. "Do you really think I'll tell you that easily?" He smiles sickly.

"No" he reply's nonchalantly. "Though it won't take to long till she helps you defeat me" He says to her. He starting to get excited now, something new to play around with, something fun to do now.

He makes eye contact with her "After all, you're just buying time Princess"

He makes eye contact with her "After all, you're just buying time Princess"

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So sorry for the late update! I been busy🧍🏻‍♀️

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