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THE KIDS RUN and run trying to catch up the man who was running ahead of them. Sand kept getting in to their eyes and mouth they cough it out.

"Stupid sand" Emma murmured angrily rubbing her eyes with her hands

"Pick up the pace will ya?" The man shouts at them trying to get the gun behind his back comfortable

"How is he not tired?" Emma tried to breath out "Yea and he holding that heavy gun too" Ray agrees with her

"Guess old people are in a different level" Ray lightly chuckles out trying to sped up

"Ha Ha! Kids sucks at this!"

"But he acts like a spoiled kid!" Ray yells out an angry facial expression settles on his face

"We gotta clear this area as fast as we can" The man tells them

"There's nothing particularly dangerous around though it's not exactly safe either beyond the wastelands there won't be any more areas that they conveniently avoid. When you go ahead safety don't waste any time just go I don't wanna loiter around the shelter entrance like a fucking idiot too" He finishes off Emma jaw dropping by the bad word that he said

"First, we'll head straight east and leave the wasteland. The search for Minerva really starts once we get there" He says to them. Emma takes out the pen and tightening it firmly

"Emma I'm sure that he planning on killing one of us" Ray says to her she just listens "Yes but rather than killing I think he just letting us die he seems to be one of those people who would commit murder if needed, but would prefer to avoid it" Emma says to him "But I want to believe that deep down he is not a bad person just in pain"

'Hmm so which one of you guys should I kill and where' Mister thinks to himself a smirk appears on his face

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The man and the two kids finally made it out of the sandy dry desert. Ray and Emma trying to catch their breaths their hands on their knees looking up they were greeted by tall thick brown trees, birds chirping and some deers running around. Wind going through their hair.

"Hmm not really a bad pace wastelands done. We'll aim for a four day trip. Our goals is A08-63 well Goldy pond if you were to fool around and waste time you could also go through this supper long, windy track, which takes three weeks but is, comparatively, easier and safer but I don't wanna out of the question get some water down your throats we wanna keep you two hydrated now"
He tells them they just nodded their heads taking out their bottles of water and started drinking

Ray just drinking his water as he sees Emma try to talk to the man who just rolls his eyes at her, suddenly he can feel something staring at him looking around he sees nothing, looking down he sees goosebumps on his skin.

'It's that stare from before I feel it but there nothing around here' He thinks to himself, spacing out.

"Hey Ray you alright?" Emma ask him a worried expression written on her face

"Yea I'm fi-" He tried to answer her but soon was cut off by the man

"First goes the forest it's where the packs of man-eaters nest they see you, you did let's go and clear it before sunset" The old man tells the kids as he walks ahead of them the kids followed behind him.

"See you soon"

"See you soon"

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𝗧𝗛𝗘 𝗥𝗘𝗔𝗟 𝗗𝗘𝗠𝗢𝗡:𝗧𝗣𝗡Where stories live. Discover now