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SOME DAYS HAVE passed since they settle in. Keeping the man hostage it took some convincing (more like threatening the whole bunker) to help them help to their next goal.

Goldy Pond.

"I'm only to be your guide NOTHING more" He says sternly to them as he makes his way to a room

"We appreciate your help Mister!" Emma says in a exciting way, he rolls his eyes at this

Going inside he makes his way to the piano, as the kids watch in curiosity he grabs an umbrella that was in the side and starts stabbing inside the piano making some music notes noises, suddenly a secret passage opens up.


"No wonder the piano keys didn't sound right" Emma murmured to herself

"We have to get prepared before we head off" He says pointing where the piano was

Walking in the secret passage they climb down the stairs that they provided with their eyes widen

"It's a.." Emma says but was surprised she couldn't finish her sentence

"Armory" Ray whispers finishing her sentence

Ray taking his step he looks around the place "This place got everything, guns, bombs, shields it just goes on" He says touching some of the weapons

The man clears his throat catching their attention "Anyways kids pick anything that you like"

"Really?!" Emma says stars in her eyes "yes really whatever that you like I don't care just remember that we're entering their territory they hunt down anything that moves"

"So choose wisely"

Nodding their heads they look around Emma picks up a gun quickly making a noise

"This is quite heavy I think something lighter will help me out there" She rubs her neck

"Yea after all what Sonju said that the key of surviving is escaping but at the same time what if there no way to escape we really gotta think this through Emma" She nodded her head from Ray reply, walking around she spots the man

"What are you bringing Mister?" She ask him leaning forward but was dumbfounded by that big weapon on his back, him holding a knife and some extra stuff

"You're taking all of that?!" She says to him and sees him climbing up the latter ignoring her comment

He rubs his temples "Pick whatever you want and just come up when your done and play whatever on the piano when you return" That the last thing he says to them as he shuts the door behind him making sure both of the kids heard him

"Damm he seriously isn't helping us huh"

"Ray I think imma bring the knife with me" He hums at her "But I really wanted to take this big guy with me too bad it was to heavy for me to carry" She whines out hugging the metal bazooka

Sweat drops from his cheek "Yea I think that too heavy for you" He nervously chuckles

Chuckling with him she thinks on what to take her eyes roaming around "Hmm I think I'm just going to stick with the bow that Sonju gave to me. It's the best weapon and I'm starting to get hang of it" The orange girls says to Ray

"You're right plus we can hunt food along the way too" Ray adds in seeing Emma grab a knife "We can also make new arrows and reuse them too!"

'So Emma is taking knife and the bow"
He thinks to himself looking around

"Emma" He says out loud catching her attention "I don't think that will be enough for a demon though. We might be cornered and a bow and arrow isn't going to cut it" Ray says to her grabbing one of the small guns on the shelve

"A pistol?" Emma ask him seeing him toy around with it

"But Ray, I didn't see Mister grab any small guns"

"Yea but look at this" He says to her putting the pistol on her hands and she inspects it "Ooh" a smirk crosses on their faces "We will survive and come back to our family"

Smiling to each other they made their way back up the latter

₊ ⊹ ೀ

"Well then I think it's time to go" Emma tells the group of kids they start to sob and cry in her arms

"Hey Mister may I ask you something?" The green haired girl ask him who just stare back at her "Please bring them back safely!"

"I know this is dangerous outing for you something bad might happen that you can't escape but precisely for this reason even if something happens and you need to run back here you must bring back at least two of them alive" Gilda speaks up to the man the kids just watch agreeing with her

He tsk to himself "That's a request, now? Sorry girl but because you say something it doesn't" His stern voice said but she just cuts him off "No it's not it's my expectation of you if you don't come back with at least two of them alive remember what we said to you before" She tells him turning to see the kids she holds them into a tight embrace

"You two come back safe and sound! If one of you dies I'll never ever forgive you" She exclaimed to them 

"Don't worry we will come back no matter what!" Emma says to them hugging all of them

'I hate this' The man thought to himself a disgusting look appearing on his face

"Cmom let's go before I leave you guys" He says to the two kids and starts to leave

"Good bye!" They all said to them as they watch them leave the shelter

"Good bye!" They all said to them as they watch them leave the shelter

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