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THROUGH OUT THE walk it was mainly Lucas and Emma talking about why Minerva call them, (name) on the other hand didn't really care what they were talking about, she just wanted the fun to happen already.

They approach a door with Minerva owl in the middle.

"There no key hole" Emma murmurs to herself

"Yea I wonder why" (name) rolls her eyes as Emma looks at her confused "Use the pen, that what the Morse code says anyways" She says to her

Emma nods and open up the pen, they heard a click inside the door. Walking in, they feel air behind their backs as the door slams behind them, they find themselves with a bunch of monitors and controls.

"There so many things in here" Lucas says out loud

Emma who was wondering around find some type of door "Lucas over here!" Emma says as Lucas approaches (name) and Emma

"It's a lake and it's golden!" Lucas says in awe

"No really I didn't notice!" (name) says sarcastically, Lucas lightly chuckles.

Emma opens the pen and it states welcome to golden pond "This is it!"

"So Minerva didn't want us to come to the hunting park but here" Emma states

"Hey look guys a floating cabin!" (name) says to them jumping up and down, pointing at it

Emma and Lucas starts to play around with the water, just to make sure it didn't hurt them in any way.

"It doesn't get me wet but how?"

"It doesn't even feel like I'm touching water" Lucas murmurs, playing around with it

"Well lets go to the cabin, there must be something there"

Emma and Lucas started walking onto the water, they stop for a moment seeing that (name) wasn't behind them

"(name)?" Emma calls out her name in confusion

They can see her hesitate for a moment, they look at each other confused. On the other side of the lake (name) didn't know why she hesitate for a moment, she was never the type to hesitate, more like fuck it and do it. But she didn't want to expose herself yet, no it was too early.

(name) pursed her lips together, her eyes shifting on how the lake is moving, claiming her self down and putting on a thinking face as she hears the waters, she sighs to herself "You know what, fuck it"

They started hearing screeching wet sounds coming from the water they return their gaze on (name).

Their eyes widen, they were both stunned, (name) was stepping on the water, not a single droplet touch her clothing same as them, but that wasn't that they were stunned about, it was that the golden water was glowing a brighter golden color then the actual color of the lake.
Every single step she took it glowed beautifully.

Emma still stunned, she was wondering why it didn't happen to her and Lucas, she started stuttering all over the place "But what? But ho-?"

(name), who already catch up with them "I'll answer your questions later we better do this first"

"Right" Lucas hums he now knows that (name) is more important than she puts herself to be

They arrive at the entrance of the cabin, Emma opens the door "Oh it's not lock"

They step in, a table with a telephone on top of it, next to it was an older model of an elevator.

"This is an elevator.."

"You don't think that this can allow us to the human world" Emma says to him as she sees (name) leaning on the table

"What? No there no way it's that easy" Lucas says in disbelief and starts to laugh, Emma starts to join in, (name) gives them a side look.

"An elevator out of all things" Lucas adds in, the laughter starts to die down

Emma approaches a type of stand "There an owl and a hole!"

"It's out of order" He says as he eyes the elevator up and down

"Looks like you have to use your pen Emma" (name) says to the orange haired girl, who only smiles and nods at her

She takes her pen and slots it in the hole where it belongs, she then twists it on the opposite side. Mechanical noises fell in their ears, as the elevator starts to move in the some type of way.

Emma crosses her fingers, being hopeful that this works so all of her family could be happy and complete their goals, Lucas has a hopeful look on his face "Please work"

It beeps and Emma reads Failure, (name) quietly chuckles at this "What?!"

"No please..."

Suddenly the telephone rang throughout the room, as Emma and Lucas whip their heads where the noise was coming from, and (name) eyes it.

"Well what you guys waiting for? Go answer it!"

"Well what you guys waiting for? Go answer it!"

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