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DINNER FELT QUITE weird for Emma. It was the first time her eating without her friends by her side. Though it wasn't to bad as she remembers, she slowly smiles remembering how (name) almost choke on her food while she was eating, she swallowed to much, Zack and Oliver were the ones panicking while the others laugh at the scene.

Sighing to herself seeing the new pairs of clothes that Gillian gave to her, she look at her right side she sees (name) getting ready for bed.

Pursing her lips for a moment, she ask (name) something "Are you scared?"

The demon thought for a moment. Never in her life has she been scared of anything, I mean why should she anyways "No are you?" (name) ask her, though she already knew the answer to that, everyone here is scared, but it's better to face your fears than not too.

Emma stare at her for a moment, before slightly nodding "Yea and nervous too" She mumbles out softly, taking the covers and putting it on her body.

(name) lay down and stare at the ceiling. She didn't have the experience of comforting people, all her life was her being surrounded with demons that think they were better than anyone else. They never needed comfort from others. "You'll be just fine...." She managed to say to her, trying her best to comfort Emma.

Emma feels warm in the inside, even though she didn't know the mysterious girl that well, she can see that she somehow wants to help in some way. Emma stare at her form for a moment, sighing to herself she bites her lip "You think?" She ask the demon girl, as she admires the eye shaped amulet around her neck. Tracing her fingers along the shape, she realizes on how the design inside the necklace reminds her of (name) eyes.

(name) hummed, feeling a sense of tiredness washes on her body "Mhm..." Feeling tired her eyelids were shutting down "Just be smart... and you'll win..."

"Thank you (name)" Emma says to her, smiling as she already hear small breathing coming across from her. Slowly she fell into a deep slumber.

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The servant nervously sighs to herself, her eyebrows furrowed as she watches the young girl in front of her, munch away "Lady (name) please calm down with the brownies..." The women says to her, trying to pry off the chocolate pastry from the young one.

The young girl puff out her cheeks, swallowing and savoring the taste of chocolate that once fill her mouth "But it's so yummy!"

"Yes I know young miss but Mr. Ratri won't appreciate you eating all of this sugary sweets.." She nervously said to her, trying not to upset the young girl, who seems just want to throw a tantrum any minute now "Maybe some fruits?"

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