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DUST COVERS THE air, Lucas and Emma cough a little.

"Huh?" Emma says in surprised "It's all empty.." Emma murmurs, Lucas thinks for a moment.

"It wouldn't make sense to have information out in the open" Lucas says to Emma, she smiles and nodded her head.

"You're right!" She exclaims to him "It must be hidden inside of this cabinet" She explains taking out both of the drawers, she spots a lose board.

"Wait maybe...." She takes out the board, (name) who was just standing there, saw something shining on the floor.

Picking it up, she eyes it "Hey guys look a pen cap!" She exclaims, showing them.

"Mind if I?" Emma ask her, she just nodded her head, giving the pen cap to her, murmuring a quick thanks Emma quickly puts it on the pen.

A transparent hologram appears in front of them, "WOW!"

"There a lot of more information!" Emma say out loud, her fingers softly touching the hologram. She looks more closely.

"This is the contacts of our allies and the layout of Goldy Pond!" Her eyes went somewhere else "So that the meaning of the Seven Walls..."

'Wonder if Emma can pass the ritual' The demon girl hums to herself 'Pfft who am I kidding of course she can!'

"Everything we need is here..." Lucas mumbles to himself.

The orange haired girl eyes shifted around the hologram, until something caught her attention. "Lamba-7214?" She said in a questionable way. "Click on it"

"Lamba is a trial plantation...."

The (h/c) haired girl look where Emma was reading, 'Lamba, that right ugh! I have to go there soon... wonder how Norman is doing..' She thought o herself before slightly smiling, 'He totally not going to like me in the future but oh well.. heh...."

"Lucas why did you say that there is a human village when there wasn't?" Emma ask him.

He smile nervously "I don't know enough about this world or how it even started..." He began to say "I just wanted to give them some sort of hope out there" He finishes off, rubbing his neck "But now it's different, now we can leave this place and have a life in the human world!" He says determine. "So thank you Emma, thank you for everything... and you (name) thank you too even if I force you to be here" He smile at both of the young girls.

'I didn't even do anything..' The girl sweat-drop but smiles and thank him nonetheless.

A smile appears on Emma face "It's no trouble!"

"Though I should be thanking you too!" This caught Lucas in surprised "You and your friends went through a lot, and Minerva did a lot for us too! So thank you!"

"Together let's create peace and harmony, the future that we all want!"

˚𖦹 ° ˚𖦹 ° ˚𖦹

Lucas, Emma, and (name) reunited with the kids. They seem to be relieved with the new information.

"We can go to the human world!" Gillian cheer out, the rest of the group nodded. (name) sits down next to Zack, and lays her head on the table, Zack just shakes his head.

Emma lets out a sigh "What the matter?" Violet ask her "I thought you guys were mad... when (name) told the truth to you guys"

"I love the faces you guys made by the way!" (name) chirp in.

"Shut up!"

"We all trust Lucas..." Paula said "We all know that he meant well"


Emma elbow Lucas, tilting her head to the side, his eyes travel on where her head was directly, and it landed on (name) who seemed to be just there
"(name)" He called out her name.

The girl look at his direction "Yes?" She says to him.

"Don't you think we forgot what happen back there" He says to her as Emma nodded, this caught the kids attention.

"Huh what do you mean?" (name) said to him confused. She clearly didn't want to tell them the truth about herself. No, no way, she knew they would pressure and ask her to help them out. 'Yea right I'm not letting them get the easy way out... you'll just use me!'

"You were just imagining things, you must be getting old~" She tease out.

He sighs to himself, already knowing that she will be difficult. "My age has nothing to do with this Emma was with me and saw what happen too" The orange haired girl, next to him nodded her head.

"What happened anyways Lucas?" Gillian ask him, leaning back and forth.

"When (name) step on this golden water that was there... it glowed and it didn't glowed when me and Emma step on it" He explains to her and we'll mainly everyone "So explain yourself (name)" Lucas says to her, making eye contact with her, crossing his arms, he ask her a question.

"Who really are you?"

"Who really are you?"

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