Chapter 2 - Shaky Situation

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       Salt was first to awake this morning, noticing the hands holding her sides tight. Thinking she was in a dream still, she moved her face right next to whoever it was that held her so lovingly.

"Ohoho..OJ, I didn't know you- whHUh-??"

She started to spew some lovey banter, ending with a sound of confusion as her eyes set on her gray counterpart. Not that this was an unwelcome surprise, at least it was Pepper and not some random person from the hotel. Though, what a shame it wasn't OJ.
Suddenly remembering the night before, she recalled falling asleep in Pepper's arms. She kept telling herself last night she would get up soon, just five more minutes. She didn't intend to doze off, it just happened.
Salt carefully stood up and put the covers over Pepper, giving her some comfort. The urge to wake her up was definitely there, but she just looked so peaceful, Salt decided she'd give her some more time, just this once to sleep some more. Just as she was walking away from the bed, she could hear something not so out of the ordinary coming from downstairs.

"CHEESY!! What the hell are you doing!???"

"What? You don't find this funny? Because I'm having a Hole- lotta fun! Haha, get it?"

The oh so familiar sound of a hand making contact with a knee swiftly filled the hotel. A collective sight rang out from its inhabitants.
Salt made her way downstairs as she saw the source of the screaming and awful pun.
Cheesy had thrown himself into the hole in Trophy's head, holding on for dear life as he tried to shake him out.


"Woah! What a shaky situation!"

Another slap of the knee. Soap rolled her eyes as she passed them both. She had grown quite annoyed by their constant banter, especially from Trophy's end. Though, Soap had found a way to temporarily sedate his violent nature not so long ago.

"Trophy, wouldn't it be easier to gently pick up Cheesy and take him out of your head, rather than shaking around like a tornado?"

"I tried that!! He refuses to get out, the little shit!!"

"Well, I hate to break this to you, but right now the only thing you've accomplished is making him look superior..if you really want the upper hand, show you're the bigger person, hm?"

Trophy ceased his spastic movements and sighed. He took advantage of Cheesy's momentary dizziness to carefully scoop him out of his head. Cheesy was surprised, yet grateful for the gracefulness of his descent, instead expecting to be violently thrown on the floor. He scurried off quickly, just in case Trophy decided to change his mind.

"See? I told you it would work!"

She smiled at him. He gave her a small smile back.
Yes, he had a temper, and could be rude, abrasive, and cold towards others. Sometimes even violent. However Soap wasn't the first to realize that he wasn't a monster. All he needed was to be shown kindness, and he was more than capable of giving it back. She'd discovered this when she had first offered to show him how to work a camera to take photos. He was apprehensive at first, but he soon agreed, seeing as Soap's kindness rubbed off on him.

"Well, did he even like- get in there??"

Soap and Trophy turned to look at Salt, who they didn't realize had been there the whole time. Soap looked to him for his story, but he just looked away from her.

"What do you care?"

Was all Trophy said to her. She looked stunned and even a bit offended by this response.

"Ex-cuse me..? What did I even do to you???"

Trophy scoffed at her reply.

"Don't act like just yesterday you were being a bitch about me taking pictures outside."

"I just wanted you to get my good side!"

"I wasn't getting ANY of your sides, you stuck up-"

Soap nudged his side, as if letting him know it wasn't worth it. He thought for a second and continued.

"I wasn't even taking your picture. I just wanted to take some scenic photos..why do you think the whole world revolves around you??"

Salt once again looked offended at the statement.

"I don't think the whole world like, revolves around me! I never said that! You're the one who thinks everyone is against you!"

"I don't think the whole world like, revolves around me! I never said that! You're the one who thinks everyone is against you!"

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Trophy was practically fuming at her, ready to snap. Soap tugged at his arm.

"That's enough you two!! If you're going to act like kids at least don't get violent.."

Soap and Trophy walked away, leaving Salt alone in the kitchen. She suddenly regretted coming down here alone. At least if she and Pepper came down together, she might've thought of more things to say back to him. Pepper was good at that. Maybe that was why she held onto Pepper as much as she did, she was the only person who didn't say these kinds of things to her. Pepper always agreed to everything she did, and always thought she had good ideas. Even if, for some reason, she didn't like OJ, which was weird because Salt never saw anything wrong with him.
She made her way back up the stairs again, going to get Pepper. She'd remind herself every day now that they should go down together. She missed a step, however, and landed on her hands on the second step. She felt the sting of pain as it radiated through her palms. She clenched then close to her in attempts to dissipate the pain. Dammit, fell on the stairs again? It's almost like they have something against her.
She collected herself again, and made her way back to the sanctuary of her room, where Pepper was still fast asleep.
From outside, she could tell it was going to rain soon.

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