Chapter 9 - Daydreaming

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(Emetophobia Warning again 😀)

Salt greeted her ecstatic gray counterpart with a broken smile. She wedged herself out of the dirt, though her lower half was still concealed beneath the ground.

"Like, how are you? Oh! What are those for?"

She asked, pointing a broken finger at the blankets and pillows Pepper had brought with her. She smiled, answering quickly.

"These are for you! I couldn't stand seeing you having to sleep in those...trash bags."

"Aww, Pepper...That's so sweet. You're like, the only one who's actually come to visit me this whole time! What am I to these people, a bad memory?"

Salt looked off to the side, a tad dismally. Pepper was quick to grab a pillow, sitting on it beside her friend.

"No! No, it's not that, it's just...None of them are as close as we are! They don't get you the way I do.."

"Like, I know that, but.."

She hesitated, then looked back up at Pepper with her one eye.

"Why the hell hasn't OJ come here?!! Doesn't he care anymore!??"

Pepper was completely taken aback by that statement. She almost wanted to scream at Salt. Yell at her for completely overlooking what Pepper was doing for her, and yet, she felt calm. She regained her composure and continued the conversation casually.

"Oh, gosh, you didn't hear any of that?"

"Any of what?"

"OJ was screaming his lungs out at Tissues a while ago. Then he- THREW UP- on him!"

"WHAT!? Tissues or OJ!??"

"Tissues, of course, girl! He totally threw up all over him! It was so, so, so so so gross!"

"EW!! Ew ew ew!!! Noo! Not OJ!"

Salt shook her head in dismay, not wanting to picture such a horrible sight. Pepper giggled at Salt's hysterics, her overreactions always very amusing for Pepper.

"What- what happened after? Is he okay?!"

"I don't know!! Everyone ran off to the bathrooms to throw up too!"

"EWW! You too!?"

"Uh, DUH! It was too nasty!! But unlike everyone else, I actually got to the bathroooom~"

She cooed playfully. Salt's mouth was agape in shock, completely bewildered. She rested her broken face against the dirt.

"Oh my god, you poor thing. That place must STINK."

"It does, it really does.. But like, our room still smells fine, so- yay! All's good."

"OoH! Speaking of our room! When can I move back in, Pep?"

Pepper suddenly stopped smiling, her expression turning sour. This wasn't anything she had expected, and she certainly had no idea how she was going to explain to Salt why she couldn't be let inside. Salt noticed Pepper's gaze, and her face also twisted into a nasty look.

"Um? Hellooo?"

"You uh..You really shouldn't- at least not yet!"

"Why. Not?"


She wracked her brain for an excuse, anything that wasn't: "Because you look like a zombie."

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