Chapter 10 - Forgive and Forget

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The twins were standing atop the living room table, wobbling back and forth, trying to keep their balance. Trophy and Tissues stood on either side of them, holding out their arms in case they were to fall over.

"Yew guys are gonna fall ouver."

Tissues warned.

The last thing he wanted was anyone else getting hurt, especially the youngest of the bunch.

"But- but you guys haven't guessed what we are!"

Cher complained, standing on one leg. His sibling nodded in agreement.

"I know what yew are, yew're both dumb."

Reese didn't appreciate his sass, and stopped the charade.

"We were supposed to be an inflatable santa."

Tissues rolled his eyes.

"Yew both gotta get better at this game."

Trophy helped the Cherries step down from the table, both looking ecstatic.

"Your turn!"

Cher beamed, pointing at Trophy.

Thus far, he hadn't spoken yet, but the twins could see his demeanor shift drastically through the course of the game. He seemed a great deal happier, or at the very least more relaxed.

Reese felt it necessary to try and fix Trophy's mood, not only for his sake, but for her sibling. Trophy had no reason to feel so distraught over Salt or Soap, much less the ladder.

He didn't kill Soap, I did.

Reese reminded herself for the upteenth time. That thought never left her mind, no matter what she did to distract herself.

If she had to live with this guilt, she'd try her best and take it away from others.

She stood on her tippy toes, reaching both hands up to him.

"Trophyyy! Can we hitch a ride?"

She asked innocently.

Trophy beamed, his smile as sincere as ever.

He picked up the twins, letting them sit comfortably in his head's empty space. He didn't remember the last time they "hitched a ride," but the last several times were nothing more than an annoyance to him. It didn't matter if Cheesy or the twins did it, he hated it.

But not now. Right now, he was more than happy to let them pretend to be astronauts, or pilots, or even just take a nap up there.

Cher pointed a finger dramatically to the side.

"Onward! To Venus!"

He proclaimed,  as they held on tight.

The pair of "astronauts" laughed and celebrated as their "spaceship" ran in the direction they pointed.

Tissues smiled to himself. Their happiness was infectious, as much as he didn't want to show it. The atmosphere had been so tense and unbearable, any sort of shift in the mood was welcome. And, anything that helped Trophy devolve from his zombie-like state was perfect.

Tissues never believed he would miss a time when Trophy could speak, when all he would say was a rude remark here or there. Never the most approachable or friendly roomate.

Maybe this was the one good thing to come out of the string of terrible events. People being closer than ever, or changing for the better.

What a corny thought.

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