Chapter 8 - Puke and Buffet

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(Emetophobia warning)

Tissues snored loudly, till he slid off the side of his bed and landed to the floor with a thud. He grumbled something to himself, and looked up, and to his surprise Trophy was standing over his bed, making it. He set the last pillow down and he turned, but flinched in surprise at Tissues.

"Ouh! Good mowning Trouphy. How are yew?"

Trophy didn't answer. He just stared at Tissues somberly. Tissues, understandably unnerved at this, scooted slowly away from him, eyes still locked, and put a hand on the doorknob.

"Yew..yew going do-dow- aaAACHOO!!"


"Yew going down..?"

Trophy didn't answer him again. Tissues simply went outside, closing the door behind him.
As he walked, he stopped. He rubbed his eyes, sniffling. Something was stinging his eyes, and it was making him tear up. Someone put a hand on his shoulder, which instinctively made him slap it away. When he opened his eyes, he saw Fan looking at him.

"Woah! Hey, what's wrong?"

Tissues stared at him. Behind them, Cheesy was spraying something in the air. It made Tissues cough, and more tears escaped from the corners of his eyes.

"Whatevew youw're spraying, it heurts my eyes."

He answered. Fan slapped his forehead, as if realizing something.

"OH! That? That's just disinfectant spray. It smells nice, right?"

"What pawt of heurts my eyes did yew not hear."

He shot back. Fan laughed awkwardly.

"Ehehe..well...we just need to get the smell out of everything."

"What smell?"

Tissues asked. Cheesy turned to face him and mouthed: "Smells like Soap"

Tissues stared back at Fan, understanding. He hadn't even noticed the scent when he left his room, as the acid scent had attacked his senses before he could. Though, that was probably why they were doing it in the first place. He sighed.

"Fine. Just- pwease finish, I feel light headewd."

Fan giggled. Tissues looked at him curiously.


"He-hehehehe..sorry, it's just you said pwease-"

Tissues punched Fan in the arm, while not very hard, it shocked the red object.

" I can't hewp how I talk. Shut up."

With that, Tissues left, still coughing into his hands. Fan looked at Cheesy in surprise.

"He-hit me?"

He stammered, almost bemused. Cheesy nodded.

"He's a bit sensitive. Actually, wrong word, it's more like hot-headed."

Fan looked back. He hadn't thought of Tissues to be hot-headed, but then again he hadn't known Tissues that well. Not like he got the chance too, and even if he did, he might just get sick, which was the last thing he needed at the moment.

As Tissues made his way down into the kitchen, he caught sight of Microphone, who was just staring out the window. Only problem was, she was sitting in his usual spot. He walked up to her, tapping her on the side.

"Testing, testing, one tew twee. Micwophone?"

She flinched, at first looking all around, then down at him.

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