Chapter 11 - Two Kids and a Comedian Walk Into a Hotel Bar

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               Microphone had no idea Pepper could talk for so long without stopping. She hardly even paused to take a breath, she just kept yapping on about one thing after another.

She would occasionally turn to look at Trophy, who gave her a smile and shrug, unsure whether or not they should contribute anything to the conversation or just stay silent.

Mic realized fairly quickly that she had even less in common with Trophy than she did with Pepper, making this hangout even more awkward than she'd feared; though she was grateful Pepper didn't even give a second to linger in silence, lest it be awkward.

"-Anyway, I guess that's why I hate crabs."

Pepper finished her strange story, which neither of the other two quite heard the end of. She saw them locking eyes, and grinned.

"OOooohhh...Am I interrupting something?"

Mic and Trophy looked away from each other's gaze.

"No no- It's not like that! It's just- uh-"

Mic started, unsure of how to defend herself here. She knew Pepper was just making a little joke, but it made her a bit uncomfortable nonetheless. Trophy spoke up to try and aid in Mic's response.

"Yeah it's a-"

He stopped immediately, being interrupted by a coughing fit.

Pepper chuckled as he put his hands up to his neck, as if unable to breathe.

"Are you okay?!"

A concerned Microphone asked.

He raised up his hand in a dismissive motion.


He responded with a bit more distress than he'd hoped for.

He gasped, trying to bring air into his scratchy throat.

"Well that's what not talking for like-DAYS will do to you."

Pepper chuckled.

"Do you want something to drink?"

Mic asked, reaching a hand out to pat him on the back.

"Like OF COURSE he does! Lucky for you, I'm soooo good at this."

Pepper stood up, hopping over the bar counter, inspecting the various glasses and condiments she had to work with.

"Water is fine, thank you."

Trophy barely got out before coughing once more.

The politeness and meek way he spoke made Pepper start giggling again. Seeing someone who was once so rude and full of themselves say 'thank you' to her gave her a slight ego boost, not to mention it was really funny.

And I haven't forgiven you, either.

She still held resentment towards him because of Salt. Accident or not, he did start it.

Maybe I'll pour something nasty in your drink, you stupid brute.

She thought with a smile.

"Oh my gosh, no. I can get you something nicer than water."

She poured something into a glass without even reading the label, and shook it viciously, pretending to be a bartender. She looked at both of her companions with that same signature grin.

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