Chapter 14 - Fans Fantastic Fuck-Up

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"Oh god, I'm such a fucking loser."

Trophy whined, covering his face in his hands.

Microphone and Pepper were at his sides, trying to ease the man's wails. Pepper tried very hard to not roll her eyes or scoff the more and more he wept. Microphone, being taller, quite literally looked down on him in pity. Neither of them were very good at comforting him, and more or less just denied every self-degrading statement he came up with.

"You're not a loser."

Mic mumbled, shifting in her seat.

She peeked over at Pepper, who was robotically patting Trophy's back, as if not out of concern but more so out of routine.

"Why- why didn't I say anything? They hate me- they're-..."

He shook his head slowly.

Pepper had just about enough of pretending to care for the mental state of Trophy. Sure, they'd shared an embrace not too long ago, but she was never any good at comforting others to begin with. She leaned against him, putting an arm around his side. When she was sure the other two were not looking, she rolled her eyes in exhaustion.

"Maybe, like, you should let them cool down. They're kids, they change their minds all the time."

She said, sounding disinterested.

"Did you see her face?!"

He whisper-shouted, still not quite able to speak properly.

"Woahhh! Hey like- it's not my fault. Maybe they're just moody. You sure are too!!"

She scooted slightly away from him again, pouting.

Trophy momentarily ceased his sobs and held out his hands to her, pathetically motioning for her to come back to his side.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry I just don't know what to do–"

He rambled, making erratic hand motions.

Pepper was turned away from them, not only to make her point, but so the other two couldn't see her smile.

She was really getting a kick out of them both, being needed never felt this nice.

Was this how Salt always felt, being doted on so aggressively? Pepper thought that must also be why she stuck so close to OJ, she must've been hoping the affection would rub off on him, and they'd 'fall in love' or something. Whatever it was, Pepper was thriving off the attention. So, she still did not turn around.

"Like, it's fine...I guess...But you can like NOT get so worked up over what a kid says. That's so- dumb?"

She paused, rethinking her words.

"Not- DUMB, I meant like- uh...absuuuurd?"

She corrected, still sounding unsure.

Trophy looked like he would nod along, but just shook his head dismissively.

"I couldn't even say a word to protect some kids, it's obvious they'd hate me."

Pepper slowly turned back to face him, a warm smile on her face.

"Aw...C'mon..Like, nobody else had anything to say to OJ. He was craaaaazy..."

"You spoke up."

Trophy said bluntly.

She tried to contain her glee, Pepper's ego inflated once more.

"Naw...No- no I was just-"

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