Chapter 4 - Cherry, Cherry

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Two green headed and small objects had been absent from the initial disaster. The Cherries were walking, blissfully unaware around the now empty halls of the hotel. The one on the left turned it's head to look around.

"Reese, where do you think everyone went? This place looks like a ghost town!"

The one on the right faced him.

"I haven't got a clue! But I have a feeling..we're got this place all to ourselves!"

They both jumped up and down for joy, now having free reign of the place. They dashed up the halls and through doors, into empty rooms, messing up the order previously established by their inhabitants.
After several minutes of disturbing the stillness of the halls, they stopped and sat down to catch their breaths.

"Oh boy..messing stuff up sure is tiring! Isn't it?"

"It sure is, Cher. But everyone needs a break now and then, right? Haha.."

They laughed jovially and high-fived in their great efforts. For all their recent attempts to discover individuality, the cherries still did everything together.

Cherries was their family name, however they never minded being called that. It was easier, in fact, since back then they had simply gone by the name "Cherry" each. However as time went on, far past that of their time in Inanimate Insanity, they both desired a sense of individuality. At least, as much as you could achieve being attached to another person.
What was most important to them was having a name of their own. Some of the Hotel's residents would simply tell them apart by calling them 'Left' or 'Right'. They didn't find this acceptable at all.
Some people would also call them 'one' or 'two'. Whether this was based on the number of leaves on each one's head, (Left had one leaf, and right had two,) or just a lazy excuse to differentiate them, the twin cherries still hated it. Especially when Trophy would call them Thing One and Two. He seemed to take great pleasure in making them angry with his little nickname. Right couldn't stand it, though Left didn't mind too much. To him, Trophy was like an older brother of sorts, so he could bear with the teasing.
Finally, they decided on each of their respected names. Left cherry decided he would be called Cher, short for Cheryl. Right cherry named herself Reese. They couldn't figure out why it was they liked these names so much, until they told the rest of the Hotel about it.

"Ooooh. I get it. Cher-Reese. Like 'Cherries'. That's clever."

Was Trophy's response to their newfound identities. Reese's expression changed to one of surprise.

"Oh. Well, we didn't do that on purpose-"

"-But do you like it!! The names, that is!"

Cher interrupted his sibling. Trophy nodded once.

"Yeah, they're cool."

Cher smiled, feeling validated by his unofficial sibling's likeness of the name. Reese was less impressed. She didn't intend for their new names to circle back to the old one, which basically put them back at square one. Both the same. As always.

Back in the present, the twin cherries stood up, ready to continue their spread of mischief, when they heard several loud thuds and cracks coming from the entrance of the hotel. They stopped dead in their tracks for a moment, waiting for another sound.
They looked at each other, confusion on their faces.
Then, the cherries became aware of the chorus of misery emanating from the stairs. Cher fell to his knees and held his head to block out the noise. Reese joined in on the screams, unaware of their origin, but not able to help hide her fear in the moment.

"Wh-what is that-!?!"

Cher wailed. Reese just shook her head in fear. She didn't understand what was going on, but she also knew it would be useless to just stand there. She pulled her terrified sibling off the floor as they both made their way to the bottom of the steps. They stopped at the doorway, unable to move as the sight made their blood freeze.

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