Chapter 5 - Breakfast

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Pepper refused to turn around. The paralyzing fear inside of her mixed with extreme confusion. Who had said that? Surely it wasn't who she had really heard. Was it her imagination? Someone pulling a cruel, cruel joke? Wherever it had been, she didn't want to look.
However, her body moved on it's own, not obeying the screams in her mind to stay put or run inside. She turned fully to face where the noise had come from.

The circle of stones had been disturbed, some overturned and out of place. The dirt around them had also been moved. Protruding from the soil was a jagged and misshapen empty pillar of glass. From it's clear exterior, it stared at Pepper with a single cold and empty eye. It's smile, soft and gentle in nature, made goosebumps go down Pepper's spine. Cracks ran along the thing's entire body, and it seemed to sit inside of a black plastic bag inside the dirt. It's gaze was locked on her.
Pepper could hardly breath, this sight, almost as horrible as the last one she'd seen.


The words could hardly escape her mouth. She knew who she was looking at, but it just wasn't possible. This wasn't possible. But that eye was hers. Those eyes she'd looked into so long, and always longed to only look at her. But, her beauty was devoid. This couldn't be her,she just didn't want to believe it.

"What's wrong Pepper, can't you talk? You look sooo scared right now. Loosen up would ya? It's just me!"

It shouted at her. Pepper flinched so fast, she fell to her knees. Her mind was trying so desperately to understand what she was looking at. Of course, this was the only logical conclusion.


She spat out at last. Salt. Yes, it was Salt. Salty-Salt in all her grotesque glory.
She smiled at her. Pepper shook in fear.
How was she speaking? She was alive, clearly, in some way. There were a few explanations that filled Pepper's mind at this moment.

Oh God, had they buried her alive? The terror of that thought caused Pepper to run up to her broken friend, hands sprawled in the dirt. She had to help her, save her, do something. She could've been suffocating down there, and she never would've known if Salt did not get out of the bag. The smell of salt, soil and plastic enveloped her. Upon closer inspection, the bag was indeed a garbage bag. Salt caught her gaze and answered the thought in her mind.

"I know...They put me in a trash bag! Can you believe OJ!? After everything I've done for him.."

They had discarded Salt like trash. Pepper made sure that she would personally make OJ regret this dearly. How dare he throw her away like she was nothing. He didn't even notice that she was still alive when he threw her away? How could he do such a thing?! It's insanity!!

Then again.

How was she alive..? One could hardly describe the state Salt was in 'alive'. She looked more like the aftermath of an autopsy. No, she couldn't be alive...She was very, very dead. Pepper put a hand to her dear friend's chest.
No heartbeat.
No breath.
No anything.
She slowly moved her eyes up to meet the gaze of Salt. She looked back at her.

"Come on Pepper, don't leave me here. I'm your Salty-Salt, right?"

Pepper wailed, stumbling back into the dirt. She ran as fast as her tired legs could carry her. Running into the safety of the hotel, she slammed the door shut. She double, no, triple checked the lock on the door. Upon the fifth lock check, she slumped down in front of the door. She could finally breathe softly, relaxed right then and there. But the sound of rapid footsteps approaching caused her eyes to shoot open again. Oh god, did she get inside? How? She had checked so many times, it didn't make sense, what she saw outside didn't make any sense. It didn't make any-

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