Chapter 15 - Pushing Up Daisies

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[TW: Descriptions/images of entrails and decomposition, depictions of abuse]

Pepper stood over Microphone, watching her slow and persistent breaths. She was fast asleep, but Pepper could never be too sure. She liked checking and rechecking things, and only when she was 500% sure of something would she be satisfied. When Mic rolled over on her side, beginning to snore, Pepper knew she was in the clear.

Maneuvering through the hotel in pitch darkness wasn't frightening in the slightest, the light of the moon coming in through the windows was just barely enough to see. However, in her current situation, the need for stealth was a must.

Pepper had slung a sleeping bag over her shoulder. The plan was to hide Salt in there, as she didn't want to risk dropping any pieces of her along the way. It would be hard, but Salt was worth the risk.

When she was outside, Pepper made extra sure that nobody was around, not nearby the hotel or wandering around the area. She did a loop around the entire building, making absolutely sure she was alone. She was, until a familiar voice shouted out to her.


She spun around, meeting the gaze of her friend. Pepper ran to her side, making a 'shush' motion with her fingers.

"Salt, remember we need to be super quiet. Alright?"

Salt nodded.

"Oh, like, my bad. Right. Quiet. I can be quiet."

Pepper smiled, and she began unrolling the sleeping bag.

"That looks a lot more comfy than this thing."

Salt said, tearing out a piece of the black trash bag she lay in.

"Don't worry Salt. You'll never have to sleep there again."

She struggled with the zipper, grunting in frustration as it wouldn't budge. She would look back at Salt every now and then, hoping she wouldn't grow impatient. To her relief, Salt lay in her usual spot, still conveying a look of tranquil patience. She was still shocked that Salt was taking everything so well,but as it seemed to work out in her favor, she decided to not question her any further on the topic. 

Pepper finished unzipping the bag, then turned her attention to Salt.

"Alright, do you need help getting out?"

Salt looked a bit confused, as if she was spaced out, but then snapped back to attention. She scooted closer, her broken face illuminated by the light of the moon.

"Like- out of what? The bag?"

"Out of the ground, silly!"

"OH! Like, yeah. That would be great."

Pepper once again put her arms around Salt's waist, getting ready to tug.

"I'll count to three, you help push up with your hands."



Pepper tugged upwards, Salt propelling herself with her hands. After a moment, She shot out from the ground, and they both started laughing in triumph. Pepper hugged her BCFF, wrapping her arms around her broken body.

"You did it!!"

"We did it!! Hahaha! This is great! Im- I..."

Pepper's happiness was short-lived, just as a repulsive smell hit her face. The loathsome odor was unlike anything she'd ever smelled before, a horrid putrefaction that violated her senses like a slap to the face. She gagged, holding back the urge to vomit.

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