Chapter 13 - Mimosa

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       When Cheesy's eyes finally shot open, he was fighting a raging headache. He pressed his hands to the cold hardwood floor, trying to find his balance. He turned around instinctively when he felt a hand on his shoulder, and another around him.

"Cheesy? Hello, Cheesy! Are you okay??"

Fan asked, holding his friend up for support.

Cheesy had to shake his head a few times to fully catch what Fan said, but when he did, he flashed him a smile.

"Ah...Hi! Heya. I'm alright."

"Then why are you on the floor..?"

Cheesy looked around, tapping his hand against the ground.


He responded bluntly.

Fan put a hand up to his forehead, which made Cheesy flinch at his touch,

"Do you have a fever?"

"Hahaaah...Not that I know of! I feel fine, better than before actually!"

He gave Fan two thumbs up.

They were so close, he could feel Cheesy's labored breaths. He could also smell the booze on his breath.

"You don't have to lie to me, y'know. I- I should know better than anyone, I remember those 'don't drink and drive' PSAs I'd watch in school, so I think I can sympathize, Cheesy!"

He rambled.


Cheesy looked back and forth.

"This doesn't look like a car."

They both burst out laughing.

"I- Y-you know what I mean!! You tell me if you're tipsy! Y-you're on the ground, for goodness sake..."

"In my defense, I don't remember ever leaving that chair."

"That's worse, Cheesy!"

Fan lightly bonked him on the head.

"Ow! Ouch! I've been hit!"

Cheesy dramatically fell back into Fan's arms. His twig-like limbs struggled to support his weight.

"C-c'mon, sit down already.."

Fan dragged Cheesy back to the tall bar stools, and they both sat beside one another.

"Oh I've been sitting here long enough... How long actually? I haven't got the time."

Cheesy peered down at his wrist, despite not wearing a watch.

"It's half-past tell me what's been on your mind?"

Fan suggested, smiling.

Cheesy met his gaze, but had to immediately look away, lest Fan see his expression.

Since when is Fan so nice to look at?

"A-Ahaha! It's- I've been just- um..."

He stammered.

Fan furrowed his brow at the hungover piece of cheese.

"Cheesy...There must be a reason you got this worked up, right? What happened, come on? Is there someone I need to get mad at??"

He asked, trying to sound serious, but Cheesy caught him trying to hold back laughter.

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