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Since the first time I met him, I fell in love. The first thing I loved about him was his blue, gorgeous eyes and his messy hair. But his personality was any girl's dream.

He was perfect.

Castiel and I had been bestfriends since forever I could remember. He would tell me everything and conversely. We had been through so much, but we were still there.

But it was so painful, falling in love with him. All I wanted to do is to run my fingers through his hair and place my lips on his, but that couldn't happen. He didn't like me like that and I knew it.

I've told him everything except the part where I love him with all my heart. I couldn't live like this. I had to tell him, even if he didn't feel the same.


"Hi, y/n." Castiel said with a smile on his face. I was standing beside my locker, taking out a few books. " Hey, Cas." I said and squeezed the books with nervosity. I turned around, facing his eyes. He was so beautiful. I gave him a little weak smile, and then turned my attention to the locker again. "Y/n, are you okay? You look a bit high or something." he said, chuckling lightly. Of course I knew he was joking. He was always like this, and well, I loved it. His jokes would make me see a light in the end of the tunnel.

"No, I'm not high, Cas," I said, laughing. "but I need to talk to you." He looked surprised. "Yeah I need to talk to you too." He said.

We walked out to the little place behind the school where no one could see us. Our shoulders brushed a few times and I deeply wanted to take his hand, and walk there with him like a couple.

There wasn't any benches here, so we sat down under a tree. It was kinda our tree. We used to sit here for hours and talk about everything. It was a sunny day and we could hear the birds chirping above us. He loved being outside and I always admired how he felt about the nature. He once told me that he wanted to travel the world and explore every possible place.

He didn't like it inside. He told me that he felt free when he came outside. "I-" We said at the same time and giggled at each other. "You first." I said, hoping he would tell me something I would love to hear. "No, you first." He said, laughing.

Okay. Tell him what you feel about him. Come on, you can do this. It doesn't matter. You need to forget him and this is the only way.

He looked at me with his head tilted to the side. " I think i'm in love with-" My words got cut off by a girly soft voice, yelling out Castiel's name. She ran towards us and Castiel's face lid up. Castiel got up and when the mysterious girl came closer, she slowly kissed Castiel's lips. As I saw their lips met, I has troubles with hiding my tears, but thank God they hadn't shown yet.

Don't tell me this is real. Please.

I slowly came to sense. No matter how much this hurt, I had to relax. After all, I did this to forget him.

The mysterious girl placed her arms around Castiel's waist and then drew her attention to me. "Hi, I'm Scarlett." She said with a big smile on her face.


The next day went like it always did. except that this time, I was miserable. I couldn't tell Castiel my feelings. Not after Scarlett showed up. I told them my mom was calling and I walked home. I cried myself to sleep, but I had something like this coming. I promised myself to think positive. I had no other choice.

I took my books out of my locker and tossed my jacket. It was sunny today, so I didn't really need one. Castiel and I, always used to come earlier to school and talk under our tree. Well, it was ours.

I took the books in my bag and walked outside, checking carefully if Castiel wasn't there. I certainly didn't need him and her, asking me if I was alright. I checked the tree, and to my relieve, no one was sitting there. I softly smiled and made my way to the peaceful little place.

I sat down and breathed in the smell of peace and quiet. I understood what Castiel said about freedom and nature. He's such a good guy. Scarlett was lucky. I took up my phone from my bag, and took on my  earphones. I dreamly sat there, thinking while listening to beautiful melodies.

I didn't realize I was about to fall asleep until I felt someone sitting next to me. It was Castiel. I took out my earphones and felt my heart beat faster. "You okay?" He asked. "I'm fine, Cas." I lied. I bit the inside of my mouth, feeling awkwardness increase. "Why aren't you with Scarlett?" I finally managed to ask. "Oh, you mean my ex?" His lips curled to a little smile. I seemed calm, but on the inside, I was dying.

How? Was they together in a half day or something? And why?

Questions, mixed with feelings, were racing through my mind.

"What do you mean?" I asked him, curious.

"Well, it turned out she didn't like you. I have no idea why, but she kept telling me to stop being with you." He said, giving me a weak smile. It did hurt me, what she said, but I couldn't care less. Castiel broke up with his girlfriend because of me. "You broke up with her because she didn't like me?" How more surprises can this guy give me? "Well, yeah. I wouldn't have a girlfriend that hated you." His hand attached to mine, which was resting on my lap. My arms wrapped around him. I didn't care of how weird it was. I just needed a hug. I needed him. I buried my face in his neck, and I could soon feel his arms around me.

"Hey," He said, which drew my attention to his face. He held my face in his hands, staring right into my eyes. Never have we been this close to each other. with our noses inches apart, our lips softly met.

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