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College was a complete mess. The only thing I enjoyed about this was my time alone with my netflix and books.

Alone. It was a really nice thing, but I guess it was too much to ask for. I had always a person with me, and of course, I was flattered, but I really didn't need any. I had movies, fan fiction and food; the only things I truly needed.

My mother told me it was important to have friends, and that showed how different she and I were. I didn't need friends. Maybe that's why I was having troubles with opening up to people.

But, my friend Lexi, or what she think we are, have been completely annoying. Everyday when I'm studying, she keeps telling me to go to a party or 'get laid'. And as it all ends up to, I'll be the one who has to help her and drive her home from parties in the middle of the night. I couldn't keep up with this, so I decided to talk to her. I needed my education for college, no matter how boring it was.

I put my book aside, and dialed her number into my phone. It rang a couple of times until I heard her voice.

"Helloooo." She said, sloppy. I could hear it in her voice. She was drunk, again.

"Lexi, where are you?" I asked.

I had to get her and protect her. We wasn't really friends, but I had to help her.

"Why such a party pooper?" She asked, mumbling the words out. On it again. Everytime she's drunk, she keeps on complaining about how much I hate everything and why.

"Just tell me where you are so I can pick you up." I said, raising my voice.

Next thing she did was to tell me where she was located, and I walked my way towards her.

I walked into the little building and kept searching for the door number 42.

I laid my eyes on it.

I walked towards it, and knocked a few times on it. I could hear laughters and giggling. I rolled my eyes as I waited. Then, the door opened.

I faced a guy, without a shirt. We were both the same tall, but my eyes was at my shoes, so when I slowly raised my head up, it made me able to see his slighty showing abs, and muscular arms. His jaw was slightly dropped, but it turned into a fast smirk. He was damn attractive.

"You're the pizzagirl?" He asked, raising a eyebrow at me. I didn't realize it before now how green his eyes were.

"Do I look like a pizzagirl?" I asked him, clear annoyance tugging and pulling on my words.

I just wanted to get Lexi and leave. I saw a tiny frown in his eyesbrows. I rolled my eyes and walked in, without caring. A sky of smoke hit me, which made me have the need to cought. I heard the guy behind me chuckle and then shutting the door. Lexi though, was laughing on the couch with another dude that apperently was asleep.

I noticed a smoking bong in her arms and let my jaw drop in disappointment.

"Lexi?" I said, running towards the couch she was sitting in. I tightly gripped her arm and she turned her head, showing me nothing but a happy smile and joy.

"W-What are you doing here?" She asked, giggling.

I could see she had been drinking and even smoking. Her smile was sloppy, with a drooling voice and red shot eyes.

"Are you insane?" I yelled at her.

How could she do this? She was here to learn not to die earlier!

With anger pulsing through my veins, I snapped the bong away from her.

"Hey," the shirtless guy said as he put a hand on my shoulder. I flinched away his touch. I did not let fuckboys touch me. No one, to be honest.

"Give it back." Lexi snapped. My eyes didn't leave her redshot ones.

"Fine. You are the most selfish, ignorant, disgusting and disrespectful person I've ever met. Don't you dare to come back for me when you forget your way back home." I threw the bong right at her, not feeling one hint of guilt on my shoulder.

Only if I could take a picture of her face. it was hilarious, but I just showed her my angry eyes. It wasn't just angry eyes, no, my eyes could be from innocent to anger. I have gotten through a lot with those eyes and I even had a emo nickname in high school.

I turned around, facing the attractive dude's gaze and walked away from them, slamming the door behind me.


I woke up in my bed, hearing no high voice. I smiled as I remembered yesterday. I was alone. I smiled as I got up and made myself ready for what I did everyday. I bought a little bagel and ate as I walked to the library. As I got the big building, I walked in and saw Ella, the library assistant. I waved and gave her a smile. She was so old, but such a nice lady.

The library was huge. Sadly enough, there weren't many people here. Which was good for me though. I even had my own place. The library had two levels and was filled with shelves full of books. I was always in the second floor. The best books were there and I didn't like being down with people.

I walked straight to where my regular books were set up, and let my fingers discover the books that came in last week.

I found a book who seemed like the perfect one, and slowly took it out. As the book was gone, I stared right into a pair of green beautiful eyes. It was him.

He chuckled and smiled right to me. "You're the guy." I said, remembering him. "I'm the guy." He said.

"Fantastic." I said and walked away from him and sat down at the inside benches. I tried to ignore his eyes, but I couldn't get them out of my head. I turned my attention to the book, as I read the cover.

True Fire.

My eyes left my book as I felt him sitting across me. "Do you need any help?" I snapped. I was getting too tired of guys trying to hit on me.

"Nope." He said with the same smirk as yesterday.

"I'm Dean." He informed me. Didn't really need the information anyway.

"Cool." I just hoped he would get the signal. "You're different, aren't you?" I slightly chuckled at him.

"Are you trying to make a romantic cliche movie? Because if that's so, it's not working." I said. "Well, I think I'm doing well." I smiled a little at him, then slowly closed the book. I leaned in towards him ear, and whispered, "Get lost."

He chuckled, while leaning back on his own chair. "Ouch."

I rolled my eyes, "If you will excuse me, I want to read my book now." I said before adding more as I saw his face, "Alone."

He got up, searching for something in his pockets, "Fine, I'll leave you alone,"

He took out a white note with several digits on, "But here is my number if you need help with some homework, or something else,"

My cheeks did not turn red. Not one tiny bit.

"Call me," he said with the same ugly smirk with a wink, and took off.

Part two?

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