DeanXreader Part Two.

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Author's Note
I can't believe my story hit 1k! I am so happy! Thank you all for everything.

Buuuuut I have no idea how to do this when school starts. I do want to write, but I'm not sure if there will be much. I will try my best though.

This (part two) story is a bit long to celebrate 1k! I am pretty sure I messed up big time, but fuck it xD


I sat on the edge of my bed. It had been two days without seeing Lexi and one day without Dean. He had been on my mind ever since I first saw him. I hated it. Yesterday, I almost called him, but I managed to stop myself. I didn't want to be in trouble, I just needed peace and quite. I heard rumors about Lexi moving to a room far away from mine, which was good, but I still felt a bit bad for not looking out for her. Who knows, maybe she was getting beaten up at this particular moment.

I decided to go back to the library. Part of me just hoped to see Dean, but I tried to ignore it. It was just something so annoying about him. It was like I had fallen for him, which, of course, I hadn't. There is no way someone could fall in love with someone in only couple of days.

I left my room, having with me nothing but my phone in my pocket. I spotted Ella putting books in the shelves. I walked over to her, having the same smile I wore everyday, "Hi, Ella." I said with a warm welcome.

She directly put the last books, then turning her attention to me. "Oh, hi!" She said, smiling as always.

She seemed so happy. With her eye wrinkled, and her red lips turned curled into a smile. She was something ordinary, and expecially since she was so old.

"I was wondering if the new book had came." She quickly gave me a little confused expression, but turned into a quick smile again. "Oh, I'm sorry, sweetie, someone has borrowed it before you."

What? Who on earth had the guts to take my book? Who even read books like that?

Her eyes went away from mine, and to a corner, right behind me.

"There," She said and pointed her finger with classy red nailpolish, "He's the guy that borrowed it." I turned around. My cheeks immediately turned red and I didn't notice how many dirty thoughts I had about him last night until I saw him there and then. He was standing by the book shelves, looking very concentrated by finding the right book. He also had a backpack on the floor, which probably was filled with every book I liked here.

"Oh, my." I mumbled quietly to myself.

Ella didn't seemed to notice my miserable, dropped face and continued talking, "You can probably talk him out," She said and gently clapped my shoulder, "He's kinda cute too." she walked away, leaving me with my confused blushes. A fifty year old woman made me blush.

I tried to shake my thought away. I was tired of the endlessly blushing and dreaming. I wiped my cheeks, then stopped as I realized I tried to wipe my blush away.

I walked straight to Dean, hoping he could see how angry I was. He stopped what he was doing when he saw me. His eyes were so green, so beautiful.

But I wouldn't dare to call them green. They were more like a green color that would push away everything bad, only to see its good. The kind of a green that would glimmer as the light hit its eyes perfectly and make thousands of new stories about cinderella come true. His eyes weren't just green, they were practically the greenest of the beautiful green. I immediately regretted reading the book about poems.

Next thing I knew was Dean's fingers snapping right in front of my eyes, making me jump a bit.

"Daydreaming much?" He jokily asked.

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