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I, Sam and Dean was driving home from a hunt. The hunt went sucessfully, but it brought back a memory of my childhood, and not really a good one. I stared out of the windom thinking about my mother. I promised myself for a long time ago to forget her, but it didn't work and it was harder than it seemed. I sat at the backseat while Sam and Dean was in front. Sam was sleeping, peacefully. I've always adored Dean. He was every womens dream, well except the part where he's killing demons and all that, but I really liked him though, and he was hella sexy when he killed those sons of bitches.

Then I remembered the night when my mom pointed her gun to my head. She yelled at me and told me that she would pull the trigger, but unfortunately, she never did. She was drunk all the time and told me to kill myself and that was when I started to self harm. My fingers slowly slided down to my right arm's wrist, and I felt the deep scars. "Hey Y/N, are you okay?" Dean said while turning his head at me one second. I didn't realize I was crying and the tears wouldn't stop. "Yeah.." I said and wiped the tears away. "Hey lets talk about it when we get home, sweetie." He said and grabbed my hand. Thank god he didn't take the hand with the scars.


"Good night guys." Sam said, tired. "Good night Sammy." dean replied. As soon as Sam was out of my and Dean's vision, Dean turned his attention to me. I looked at the floor, but I could feel his gaze pointing at me. "Hey, what happened in the car?" He asked, worried. "Nothing." I said with a fake smile and itched the scars on my arm that was covered by my jacket. "Did you get hurt?" Dean asked worried, coming closer to me. I couldn't help it, I let a tear fall down my face. "Hey, beautiful, tell me what's wrong." He said, kissing my forehead. " I-I.." I could feel my wrist itch even more. He looked down at me as I scratched the scars outside of my jacket. "I-I can't.. do it anymore." I said with difficulties to get the words out of my mouth. He looked at me worried. Then he held my face up to his and looked deep into my Y/E/C eyes.

"You know.. When I and Sam was hunting without you, I met this girl who had.. Scars up her wrists." he said taking a big breath. Then he slowly rolled up my jacket. I didn't want to stop him. His facial expression got lost. His green beautiful eyes got watery as he saw my scars. Then my tears started to fall even faster. "Listen to me, never hurt yourself like that again, okay? I need you Y/N and you have no idea how much I love you so promise me you won't hurt yourself again! Promise!" He said, looking into my eyes with tears falling down his cheek. "I can't promise a thing Dean. Sorry." I said. "Then I'll make sure you'll never do it ever again. I can't lose you, I need you." He said while a soft little smile came across his face.

Then he took my arm up higher and gently placed his soft lips on the scars. Then he looked at me and leaned closer to my face. Our lips slowly collided.

"I promise." I said as we broke the passionate kiss.

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