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It was a normal night at the bunker. Dean and Sam were on a guy's night as they called it. I didn't mind, though. Being alone while reading a book in silence was the only thing I wanted right now. Couldn't ask for anything better than that, but I wouldn't mind having Sam here. God, he was perfect. I remember first time I met him and as soon as I heard his voice, chills flew over my whole body. Even when that one time when I was so close to him, that his breath made my neck go crazy with goosebumps. He was my everything by then and still is. I just wished he knew and felt the same.

I loved reading books. They were kinda my only escape. An escape from this place. Monster were soon taking over the world and I was exhausted. Every hunter was either broken or exhausted, but mostly the Winchesters. They have been through more than any human has ever been, and it amazes me how they keep on fighting, even though they have lost everything and everyone.

I didn't really catch the words in my book. The only thing I could seem to think about was Sam. Those moments when I couldn't consentrate because all I could think about was the most beautiful human being. I really did love him with all my heart. It was so comfortable, sitting here by the fire, and just clearing my thoughts. I was sick of dreaming about kissing Sam, because I wanted to. As my eyes slowly started getting shut, I heard the bunker's door being shut open. At that point, my heart started racing. I looked up in excitment, hoping it was Sam.

"Hiya, beautiful." Sam said as soon as I saw him. He was different, kinda.. sloppy? "Um, Sam? Are you okay?" I asked with a chuckle to make things less awkward; which I failed miserably at. He chuckled a bit and then walked his clumsy way towards me. "I like you very very much." He added with a sloppy grin. His voice weren't the same soft and comfortable voice, no, it was so and clumsly and silly. I hated it.

"Are you drunk?" I asked as soon as I thought about it. "No. Yes, maybe." He said and giggled.I didn't even think it was scary, I just didn't like it. A big drunk moose was nothing but kinda adorable. "We should date." He suddenly stated, seriously. I laughed, but stopped as soon as I saw how serious he was. "You're drunk." I said.

It was actually depressing, the fact that he liked me more when he was drunk.

"So? We should still date." He said and reached out his big hand towards my face. He gently stroke my hair behind my ear, while looking into my eyes. I tried to say something, but nothing came out. I've dreamed about this moment since forever, but I still wanted this to happen with the sober Sam. "I, um," I said and took his hand away from my face. I turned my attention away from his eyes and to my book instead. He was drunk, which meant that he didn't mean or know what he said. It really broke my heart. "Y/n," he said, but without me reacting. "Look at me," I slowly turned my face to his, only seeing his beautiful eyes. Everything about him made me cringle. I wanted him so badly.

We didn't say a word. We just looked into each others eyes, with lust. Not the kind of a hungry lust, more like a I-love-you-and-want-to-spend-the-rest-of-my-life-with-you lust.

But it felt like he wanted this as much as I did. I tried to say something, but couldn't form a sentence as he leaned his head towards me.

He kissed my cheek, softly and I could feel his breath. "I've liked you since the very first time," he said as his lips moved longer towards my lips. "You are so beautiful and.." He slowly looked up to my eyes and then spoke up again. "I love you." He placed his lips on mine, slow, but passionate.

The kiss felt magical. Like every moment were worth so much, because it really was. It tasted like alcoholic, but I didn't mind. My hands were placed on his neck, while he stroke my hair once again and deepened the kiss.

I had been only dreaming about this moment. Kissing someone you love, really did things to you. His lips were so soft and his hands touching me, felt unreal. Maybe it was unreal, but at that moment, all I could think about was Sam. Sam, a man who would save you no matter what. A man who would do anything for you, even though he didn't know you. He was the nicest yet, the baddest guy ever. Killing monsters and saving the world.

But the only reason why Sam was so nice, was because he had been through so much that he didn't want any other to feel the same pain as he did. It was crazy how perfect Sam was. Not just his look, but his personality was something ordinary.

We both broke the kiss off, having the need to breathe. We smiled like two idiots, who had fallen head-over-heal for each other, which we kinda were.

Without any words, our body language cleared that we were sleeping on that couch. With me in his arms. I didn't care that he was drunk, he was still the cutest and I should enjoy the moment as long as it lasted. "Goodnight, beautiful." He said as we both closed our eyes. I loved it when he called me beautiful. "Goodnight, moose." I said, which caused a giggle from us both.


I woke up, feeling the warmth on my body, caused how Sam and I felt like missed pieces. I tried to get up, but was stuck. I smiled as I saw how peaceful he looked. Only seeing him, made every problem in this world go away.

But I was still trapped in his arms, even though I wanted to stay here forever, I would love to surprise him by making breakfast. I slowly lifted up his heavy arm, but it didn't help. "Need help?" He suddenly asked. I chuckled, but then I only felt scared. What if he didn't remember? What if-

He placed his lips on mine, but it wasn't like the one last night. This kiss was a simple kiss you would give to your husband or wife. I smiled with only one thought racing through my mind; he's sober.

He furrowed his brows, giving me scared-surprised look. "You alright? You seem a bit.." He said, unfinishing the words. "What? No, I'm alright. I'm actually perfect, thanks to you." I said, flirty. He laughed with me and kissed me once again. I could get used to this.

"How do you feel?" I asked, thinking about his hungover. "Fantastic." He said. I formed a confused look which only Castiel could win over. "So you're not hungover?" I asked. He laughed which made me even more confused. "Look, I had troubles telling my feelings for you, so the best way to do it, was to be fake drunk." He said. "I'm sorry." I let go of my confused look and laughed instead. "You dick!" I said and hit his arm. We laughed and laid down in each others arms, smiling for each other.

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