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The demon pushed me off the building. I didn't see him. How could I not see him? I'm a professional hunter and this little demon got me? Dean yelled my name, but it was too late. As I fell, the only think I could think about was Castiel.

even though it wasn't so high, the pain I felt when I landed, was awful. I landed on the top of a car, and thank God it wasn't the impala. I could see the demon being stabbed by Dean and I tried to get up, but my body wouldn't cooperate. Then, a few seconds later, Sam and Dean ran towards me in fright of me being dead.

"My foot.." I managed to choke the words out, even though they were low. Sam carried me to the car and I could hear police sirens coming louder and louder. "Shit, drive!" Sam yelled to Dean. My vision started to get blurry and I tried to say something, but Sam made me swallow some pills and said something about "it's gonna be ok," and then, it all went black.

They slowly placed me down on my bed. Sam had his hands burried in his face, and Dean ran his hand through his thin hair. My whole body felt broken, but my foot was the worst. Sam saw me awake, and leaned down to me. He slowly lifted my foot up to place a pillow under it. I clenched my jaw and tried to hold back the tears. "T-Thanks." I said, and gave Sam a little smile. Sam replied with his own smile of worryness, and got up from his knees. "God, I am so sorry, y/n." Dean said and looked at me. It looked like he had cried, but it wouldn't surprise me because I was like a little sister to them, so they were very overprotective. "Don't be." I said and tried to show a little smile. Sam looked at Dean, worried. I wanted to tell them I would be alright, but I couldn't. "We'll be back. Yell if there is anything, okay?" Dean said. I nodded and they walked out of the door. I closed my eyes for a second and tried to shut the pain, but weirdly enough, I manage to fall asleep instead.


"We need to get her to a hospital!" Sam said, worried. "We can't, remember? The whole town is looking for us so we need to keep it low." Dean said. "Well, what are we gonna do? Watch her die?!" Sam started yelling. They both got silence and tried to find a solution. "Wait, what about Castiel? He can heal her!" Sam said. "Yeah great idea, but have you forgot that the son of a bitch hasn't answered in ages!?" Dean yelled. "Then try. He'll do anything for her, I've seen how he looks at her." Sam said with a relaxed voice. Dean rolled his eyes and then he shut them, "um, Cas? Cas, you there? We need your help so if you're busy running in heaven, get your ass down here." He opened one of his eye to peek, but didn't see or hear anything. "It's about y/n." He continued. A sound of a 'swish' appeared in front of Dean, and he reacted with a jump. As he managed to relax and breath normally, he looked up at Castiel's worried face. "Dude! Do you really need to jumpscare me like that every goddamn time!? And where the hell have you been?!" Dean said, well, more like yelled. Of course Castiel didn't answer, so he turned his attention to Sam. "Where is she? What happened?" He asked. Dean rolled his eyes and made the famous I'm-sick-of-your-bullshit face. "She got hurt on a hunt. She's at her room." Sam said and pointed his finger at the room next door. Castiel nodded and walked away from the boys.


"Y/n?" A deep familiar voice asked. I slowly opened my eyes and saw Castiel standing next to me. "C-Cas.." I said. The painkillers must've stopped working, because the pain in my foot was undescribable awful. He sat down next to me, and looked at my foot. "I am sorry I wasn't there." he said. A tear fell down my cheek because of the pain. I realized I must've had a scar because something stinged in my face. "Castiel, it's okay.." I managed to say. His blue gorgeous eyes didn't show kindess as it always did; it showed devastation.

Why did he look like this? It was no problem, he could just fix me straight up.

He reached his hand over to my foot, but stopped and looked into my eyes. Another tear fell down my cheek and I was about to say something, but he leaned even closer towards me. We didn't say a word, we just watched each other. Our lips was inches away, and even though it hurt like hell, I enjoyed every single second.

Then, our lips finally met. Softly, but passionate. He placed his hand around my chin, and then we broke off as we heard a sound of a 'healing wound'. My pain was gone and my foot felt perfectly fine. "Thank you, but was really the kiss necesarry?" I asked with a chuckle. "No, I just wanted to try it out." He said and we smiled at each other. I leaned towards him again to kiss him even more.

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