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The bunker's door suddenly opened, making me jump right from sleep.

"Dean? Sam?" I called out with my sore throat. I smiled lightly as they appeard, but it quickly dropped. There were a lot of blood and wounds on them.

"What happened?" I asked, getting up. Then, I realized who wasn't there. Castiel.

"Where's Cas?" I asked. Castiel did live here too. Just by remembering his name, I knew I had to see him again. I wanted to jump in his arm and kiss him, just like yesterday.

Dean and Sam, on the other hand, didn't answer, but I could see how dropped their face was. I knew that face expression. I kept thinking it over and over again, but tried to push the thought away.

"Tell me!" I yelled, telling myself it couldn't be true.

Sam walked towards me, placed his hand on my shoulder, "I'm sorry. He didn't make it." He said, empathy drowning in his eyes, along with his tears.

My whole world fell apart. I knew by then that I would never be the same.

"What happened?" I asked, eyes swelling up.

"What happened?" I repeated, anger boiling inside of me. My legs were shaking and it felt like I was gonna faint any sooner, but I somehow managed to keep going just a bit.

"After him losing his grace, he, uh, he became," Dean said, but stopped for a second, "weaker."

I gave in a tear, letting it fall. Sam wrapped his warm body over mine, giving me the hug I needed, while whispering, "I'm sorry."


I fell on my bed, knowing I wouldn't get any sleep anyway. Dean and Sam insisted being here with me all night, but I said I was fine. Such a lie.

Sam and Dean knew how close I was to Castiel. I had always admired Cas, but then I started having stronger feelings for him. Turned out, he had them too.

After him being human and all that, he had shown a lot more feelings. One day, he actually kissed me. It was all so cliché, but I loved it. It was just like another love story, but with a twist, of course.

Days went by and even Dean and Sam was getting tired of our endlessly kissing and touching. We just needed each other. It was pure love.

Even though Castiel was a bit new to this, but he learned fast.

Then I got sick. Not that bad, just a cold, but I couldn't really kill any monsters. Castiel (as always) hunted with the boys. I didn't know much about what they were hunting, but I thought they would be fine. Such a wrong thought.

I missed him so much. I couldn't even sleep, he was dancing through my mind. It didn't really hit me was dead. I kept on denying it, but I knew it deep down. I wish I could say goodbye, I wish I could make his stay.

I kept memorizing the last word he said.

"Love you. See you soon."

He whispered it low in my ear. I was half-sleeping, but woke up as soon as I heard him. I smiled and kisses his lips.

That's all. After that, he was gone.

How could I keep up with this?

I began feeling sleepy as my thoughts were just focusing on him. The first time he kissed me, the day he made a big mess in the kitchen because he was baking something for me, and the most important moment; when he told me he loved me.

My tears were now dry, covered all over my face. I was curled up in a ball, missing the hand which was supposed to be tuckled in my hair. I would do anything, anything, to get him back.

Finally, I managed to fall to sleep.


My eyes shut open, looking straight up to a blue sky. I gasped, quickly getting up. I heard birds chirping and felt the sun gazing on my skin. This felt so unreal and weird.

This place seemed like a park. Without roads, paths or even people. "Where am I?" I whispered to myself.


I froze. That voice, that sound, I knew who it was. It was Castiel. It must have been.

I turned around, seeing the man himself standing there with his worn out trench coat. "Cas?" I said, tears forming in my eyes. I ran towards him, jumping in his arms. He hugged back, burying himself in my hair. I cried my eyes out while hugging the man I loved.

We broke off, but turned the hug into a kiss instead. This is what I needed. I knew it. I wanted Castiel's soft lips everyday, and I wanted to be able to see his gorgeous eyes. We seperated and I could see how watery his eyes were.

I buried my smile in his neck, hoping this was all real. But then, it hit me. I knew why all this felt so weird. "This is a dream, isn't it?" I whispered in his neck, hoping he would say no. "I'm sorry." We slowly seperated, looking each other in the eye. "Why?" I asked, "I can't do this without you." He gave me the look of sadness, and I felt devastated. "I know." He said, "but I had no choice. It was either you or me."

"Wha-" Castiel cut me off. "Don't ask. Just trust me on this." I nodded, but not wanting to.

"Come." He said and sat down on a bench, I followed right after. He sat across me, smiling like he tried to cheer me up. Sound of his fingers snapping changed the location we were placed in, and suddenly all we were seeing was ocean. Just like Castiel's eyes.

I looked over the horizont. I couldn't believe this. I knew Angels were able to be awake in someones dream, but I never thought that much about it. "So every night, I'll see you?" He took my hand, smiling. "Yes." He simply said, "forever."

I smiled, thinking I could get used to forever.

"But this is so weird. It doesn't feel real life." He squeezed my hand a bit before adding, "You just need to get used to this. It'll be alright." Him saying how everything was gonna be alright really made me believe it.

"What about Sam and Dean?" I asked, feeling sorry for the boys losing another one in the family. "I'll meet them in their dreams soon." I nodded.

"I love you, Castiel." He smiled slightly before bending over, cupped my face gently in his hands, and kissed my forehead. "I love you too." He whispered.

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