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Dean and Sam was out, working on a case while I and Castiel was suppose to be searching on the internet. A little stupid, though. I loved working with Castiel and he always made me smile, but he and internet? Nope, not working.

"I guess we have to go to gaugle." Castiel said as we sat on the couch, watching TV. "Yeah, but, Cas.. It's google." I said with a chuckle. He nodded and smiled at me. I really loved how rusfy his bed-hair was in the morning. My phone started to buzz and I immediately reacted by taking it up from my pocket. I checked who had texted me, it was Chuck, my boyfriend.

"Hi babe."


"Can I come over? Would love to do something with you today."

"Yeah okay. But what do you want to do?"

"I don't know, maybe fuck a little. xx"

I took it as a joke, but it was still a little disgusting. I met him two months ago on a bar and to make a long story short, I was drunk. Last time I met him was probably two weeks ago and I thought he had forgotten about me. I sent him my address and he said he'll be there in five minutes.

I turned my attention to Castiel. He had tilted his head and looked very confused. "Who were you typing to?" He asked. "My boyfriend, Chuck." I said. Castiel's tiny smile slowly faded as he stared down at his feet. "Y-You have a boyfriend? Like a kiss boy or a friend?" He asked.

I chuckled a little, but stopped as I saw his miserable sad face. "Like a kiss boy, I guess." I said, feeling like I was talking to a kid, but Castiel was new to everything so I had to respect his questions.

"Oh. I-I must to go, then." He said and walked towards his bedroom. I followed him in confusion and grabbed his arm before he could lock his bedroom door. "Cas, what's wrong?" I asked as I saw how his eyes became wet. "I don't know." He said as he sat down on his bed edge. I followed his steps and sat next to him. "Since I've become human, I have had these weird excitements. Y/n, have you cursed me?" Castiel said with a straight face and stared into my eyes. "No, I haven't cursed you, Cas." I said, showing him a little smile to comfort him. "Then what is wrong with me? Everytime I see you, I feel so warm and when I hear your voice, I can't help it but to smile." Was he..? No, not possible. How?

"I asked Dean about this. He said it sounded like I was in love." I was sure my heart skipped as me mentioned love. He couldn't be..

 He stared into my eyes and I stared into his.

"Love is not good then, I mean, you do have a boyfriend." He continued. He was right, though. Love could change to be the best thing in your life, till the worst. I wasn't even happy with Chuck and I really liked Cas, maybe I even loved him. Wait. I probably just thought that because he told me he loved me. It had never really happened before, and maybe this was just a heat in the moment for me.

But I knew that the only reason why I was with Chuck, was because I felt so lonely. I had no one except Sam, Dean and Castiel.

But sometimes I really needed a person I could call a boyfriend. I just didn't want to feel alone. Sadly enough, Chuck was just thinking about sex.

Castiel and I kept staring at each others eyes. He was so beautiful. His blue gorgeous eyes and his dark messy hair.

"I don't know what I should do." He finally said, "When I told Dean everything, he told me to tell you." He looked down at his lap and back to my eyes. I could stare into his eyes in ages. They were so beautiful.

"We can do this together." I finally had the guts to say. "I don't understand." He said.

I slowly leaned in closer to him, probably making him more confused. Our lips were inches apart before he leaned closer in, and kissed me.

My hand went through his hair and  his hands was placed on my waist. I never really understood how good this made me feel. It was all so indescribable and it felt surreal. I have never kissed someone like this and I got a feeling it was because of him. All because of Castiel.

Castiel flipped me over onto the bed, making him kissing my neck. When did he learn all this?

"Y/n?!" I heard someone yell.

Castiel and I broke off the kiss in fright and saw who the voice came from. It was Chuck. He looked surprised, but was definitely pissed off. "You bitch! Think you can cheat on me? You are such a whore!" He yelled and pointed his finger at me. My hand went over my mouth. Oh my God. I have never cheated on anyone ever! I didn't even care about what he called me. I deserved it. I was unfaithful to him. 

"HEY! Don't call her those names, ever!" Castiel said as he got up and yelled his lungs out to Chuck. "Shame, because your little fuck whore,-" Castiel cut him off, "Leave." He smily said. Chuck frowned his eyebrowns and held his hands in surrender. "You know what? Fine. Enjoy your time with that whore." He said and left.

Castiel went back to me and took my hand. "He's an idiot, you know that, right?" He asked, worried. "Yeah Cas, I know, but you didn't have to do that." I said feeling a tear strimbling down my face. "Hey, those things he called you... He don't know what he just lost." He said and wiped the tears away with his thumb. "Why are you so nice to me? I am nothing," I said. "You are my everything and I love you." I smiled as he leaned in again and kissed my lips. "I love you, too." I said as we broke the kiss off.

"Now, let's watch a movie on netfrex." He said and placed his hand around my wrist and we walked away. He was so damn cute and I was too happy to tell him that it is 'netflix' and not 'netfrex'. He was just so damn cute.


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