3. Flirt

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"Kang Taehyun!!" 

Taehyun was walking back to his apartment with the ice cream he got instead of the Ramen. But he looks back at the sudden mention of his name. 

"Hyung? Yah, I told you I don't need it! Just go back! Did you walk all the way here just for the ramen?!" Taehyun's voice was loud and it wasn't sweet, but a complaining tone. 

"You're voice could go that low?" Beomgyu teases and Taehyun rolls his eyes sassily, catching Beomgyu by surprise. 

"You can roll your eye—" 

"Of course, I can, you shithead!" 

"Hey!! I'm still your senior!!" Beomgyu whines, his voice loud. 

"Oh? We are on a road, this isn't school, we aren't in practices and you're in my territory." Beomgyu gasps, hearing the younger's sassy words.

"Yah! I'm gonna make you run ten lapses!" 

"I'm gonna chase you with my shoe if you don't leave now! Hell, What if you're a serial killer? We barely know each other!!" Taehyun exclaims and turns around to walk away but Beomgyu's hand stops him.

"Let's eat Ramen together." 


"I'm telling you this as the Basketball captain. I wanna eat Ramen with you," Beomgyu demanded, 

"Are you kidding me? Pulling the captain card wouldn't do anything... But okay, fine! Let's go." Taehyun groaned before asking Beomgyu to follow him. 

The two ended up in Taehyun's kitchen and Beomgyu was cooking the Ramen while Taehyun sat on the countertop. 

"Do you know how to cook, Hyung?" 

"What do I look like I'm doing?" Beomgyu doubted sarcastically and Taehyun sighed, deciding to look at his feet hitting each other instead of staring at the Ramen. 

"God, the fact that I barely know you and You're literally in my apartment! Now that i think of it, I'm scared!!" Taehyun exclaims, pouting. 

"Exactly, Didn't the baby boy's mom tell him not to let strangers into his house?" Beomgyu cracked a joke but Taehyun stiffened upon it. 

And that led to a few minutes of silence, 

"Uh, Taehyun?" 

He was slightly trembling, Beomgyu noticed and he took a step closer to the younger. 

"A-are you okay?" 

"Huh? Uh, I-I am." Taehyun cleared his throat and Beomgyu nodded his head before focusing on the Ramen again. 

Taehyun jumped off the table and moved to a chair, moments later Beomgyu placed the hot pot and sat as well. 

"Don't worry, I didn't poison it. And I ain't a serial killer too." Beomgyu took a plate of ramen and started to eat. 

"Every serial killer says so." Taehyun too joined him later. 

Beomgyu stretched his arms after finishing the Ramen, his hand accidentally swiped some documents on the table down to the floor. 

"Whoops." He bent down to pick them up but a single document takes his attention, it was a hospital slip, 

'Eh? Sleep disturbance? Pills? What the fu—' Even before Beomgyu could read it, The paper was snatched away. 

"Oh... Miyaane." Beomgyu collected them and placed them back on the shelf before sitting, Taehyun crumpled the document in his palm and shoved it into a drawer.

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