15. 'it' couple?

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"So, You're finally not my soul mate anymore!" 

"I never asked you to be, Kai!" Taehyun exclaims, nevertheless hugging his best friend. 

The two boys were back in Seoul and were currently hanging out with the three bots, Fyi, Hyunjin and Jeongin chose not to come, saying that they had 'stuff' to do, 

"Ahh, Seriously, This book is so irritating!" 

"Book?! What the fuck, Soobin can read?" Yeonjun exclaims dramatically, making the purple-haired roll his eyes, 

"What book?" 

"It's some angsty gay fiction online, Strawberries and cigarettes." 

"Right. For once in my life, I thought Soobin Hyung can read an actual book, y'know?" 

"It's a real book--" 

"It's gay." Yeonjun chimes in, and Soobin snorts and Threw the phone onto the couch. 

"Beomgyu, get the cokes, will ya?" Yeonjun settles the big bowl of popcorn on the table and dims the lights, switches the tv on, and joins the three boys on the couch, 

After Beomgyu got the beverages, They all sat in a line on the couch and played the movie, 

"Move," Oh yeah, Beomgyu never sat. 

"Why? You can literally just sit there, Gyu." 

"But I don't wanna, Go to the corner, Hyung~" Beomgyu stomps his feet, blocking the view for everyone. 

"What's the big problem, Beomgyu?" 

"What is your big problem, you just legit have to scooch!"

"Or you can go just sit there?"

"Soobin Hyung. How rude are you! I literally started dating and you won't even let me sit next to Taehyun?" 

"Oh god, Beomgyu. It's not a big deal--" 

"I sat next to him because that way he can watch the movie. If he sits next to you, your horny ass will bother the poor baby--" 

"Oh please, can y'all stop?" Taehyun groans, next to Kai and had his arms wrapped around Kai's arm. 

"I think he chose me over you all." Kai cutely smiles, poking his dimple with his index finger. 

"Move, move, move, move!!!" 

"Soobin, You can come here~" Yeonjun taps on the space next to him, and Beomgyu smiles, pecks Soobin's cheek once he moved, sits next to Taehyun, pulls him closer, and rests his head on the younger's shoulder. 

"I scooted because I'm so much mature--"

"Yeah, mature, Soobin Hyung? you literally lie around saying you can read but in reality, it's some gay fucking fiction that you are reading!"

"How is that even related..." Kai murmured,

"Uh?? Hello, I can read letters, Choi!"

"Which Choi?"

"Beomgyu, Choi!"

Taehyun groaned, hitting his head against the pillow, he then looks at Kai,

"Wanna go to the balcony?" Kai looks back and forth at the hyungs and Taehyun.

"Oki!" Then, the two youngest headed to the balcony, and heck, the older ones didn't even notice cause they were busy yelling at each other.

"Taehyunnie, How are you holding up with your thingie?"

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