14. Ilyt

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"Wake up! Wake up, Beomgyu Hyung, come on!" The voice was running on his mind, the urge to be welcomed by Taehyun made Beomgyu open his eyelids, 

Groaning, he looked around, The team was staring at him, worried and Taehyun was sitting near him, it looked like they were back inside a tent. 

Beomgyu smiled like the biggest idiot, noticing the baton still in Taehyun's grip

"Someone take this from his hold," He mumbles and the team eases after hearing him. 

"Glad you're awake, we should get back to training then," Heesueng speaks up, 

"Yeah, y'all go ahead. I'll be there soon," Beomgyu replies, and everyone leaves, when Taehyun is about to, Beomgyu stops him. 

"You can wait." 


"You can't even do that for me after hitting me?" Taehyun rolled his eyes, looked at the team and back at Beomgyu, 

Man, Taehyun was a blushing mess!! Although how stupid he felt to think that Beomgyu was asking him out a few minutes ago, it was, fortunately, or unfortunately true. 

"Yeah, Taehyun. Stay," Jeongin also butts in, Taehyun nods, pouts, and takes a seat beside Beomgyu. 

Beomgyu waited impatiently for everyone to leave and then squeezed Taehyun's hand, 


"Look, Hyung... I— I'll have to think about that." 

"Aahh... That's okay, but tell me when will you give me an answer?" 

"When we leave camp, okay? Bye." Taehyun, with a shy smile, runs out of the tent leaving Beomgyu. 

"Okay. Bye," He mumbles to himself and smiles too much that his head started to hurt again, ouch! 


One try wouldn't hurt, yeah? 

Taehyun's never been this stressed about saying yes to something. Man, he's driving himself crazy. 

"What should I do, oh my god??" He exclaims, packing his stuff as they were gonna leave soon. 

Ah, fuck though, If only he were in Seoul, he'd have HueningKai to talk to. 

But hey, it's the twenty-first century and technology has improved so much that you can simply make a call to Seoul from any fucking where, 


"Taehyunnie? Oh my god, How are you BReaSt fRiEnD?" 

"Brea-- what?!" 

"Perks of missing my soul mate~" 

"Am I your soulmate?" 

"Mmhm, Until you meet your actual one," 

"Speaking of, I have some news!" 

"Good or bad?" 

"Uhh Goo-Ad..." 

"Uh, what, bruh?" 

"Beomgyu Hyung asked me out." 


"Hello? Kai???" 


"No, dipshit, It's the other way around!" 


"Right, great, now the whole world knows, Thanks Kai!" 

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