7. One more step

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Saturday, 7.01 am

A morning after a big-ass rainy day, Beomgyu was the first to wake up and he looked down to see Kai clinging onto him like a koala. 

"Yah, move~" He ruffles Kai's hair before getting up, and walking to Yeonjun's room, and without warning, he flops onto the bed, on top of his hyungs... but They apparently were shirtless. 


"Uhh, eww!! Are you two naked??" With a disgusted look, he gets up and frowns, 

"N-noo... We just slept." Beomgyu snorted upon Soobin's words and went out, grumpy for some reason. 

Beomgyu yawns as he glances at the boys, looking like animals that were drugged. 

'One... Two... Three... Taehyun?' He pouted, walking to the living area and lifting the fluffy duvet up, thinking his tiny self must have been hiding under it but, no. 

"Soobin Hyung!!" Beomgyu yells out, 

"WHAT? AHH!! GET THE FUCK- AHH!!" Beomgyu throws a pillow at Hyunjin and he wakes up fully. 

"What's it, Gyu?" Soobin comes out of the room, fully dressed and Beomgyu points at the empty spot. 

"Taehyun. Where is he?" 

"Ahh, He went home last nig—" Soobin jolted when Yeonjun came out in a hurry, his phone next to his ear, 

"Kang Taehyun? Say what now?? Yah... Hello? He—" The line went silent and Yeonjun rubbed his nose bridge, sighing with a massive pout. 

By that time, Jeongin and Kai woke up. 

"Taehyun's sick! He has a fever..." 

"WHAT?!" Kai jumped out off the couch and blinked his eyes rapidly, 

"So suddenly? I thought he just went home just cause he was tired..." 

"Didn't he leave to get my gifts yesterday? He probably got caught in the rain... Oh god, I'm gonna go see him—" 

"Hyung, it's okay, I'll go see him—" Kai hets cut off by Beomgyu again. 

"It was cause of me, I feel guilty. Let me go and yall can come in the evening. Soobin Hyung, please?" Beomgyu pouts, pleading. 

"Okay, if you aren't busy." 


"But Hyung, are you gonna be fine? Alone? Taehyun is so stubborn.." although Kai was worried, he smiles upon talking about his stubbornness. 

"I will, Hueka. Don't worry," Kai grabs his wrist and Beomgyu looks back again, 

"Hug him for me, he loves hugs." 


Only coughs and sniffs were heard in the room. Well, Taehyun never got this sick after drenching in a rain. He couldn't even get off the bed. 

"Fuck, I'm gonna die..." He murmured as he pulled the duvet up, only his tiny face was out of the duvet and If Beomgyu sees him, he'd probably think Taehyun's super tiny. 

The doorbell rings and Taehyun groans, 

"H-hyung..? Yeonjun Hyung? Is that you?" 

"It's me, Taehyun." 

"WHAT THE—" Taehyun's eyes went wide when he heard the voice, but before anything, the door cracked open and Beomgyu was already walking into the house. 

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