25. Ikigai

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"HOLY FUCK!" Taehyun screamed, jumping a few feet back from where he was, there was a literal red piece of clothing on fire on the floor. 

"Who's-- Hello?! Anyone in here?!" Taehyun yells, and suddenly, the all so familiar raven haired boy pops out of nowhere and pours a bucket of water onto the fire. He sighed once it went down and Taehyun just stood there like a mannequin. 


Oh, shit Hyung feels so nice. 

"Ahaha... Yeah, s-sorry about that. Umm, can you come in again?" Beomgyu playfully questioned before shutting the door. And Taehyun won't lie, he's never getting tired of Beomgyu's cuteness. 

He did as he was told and opened the door again, stepped in to be welcomed by a set up that Beomgyu made himself in the court, romantic as fuck. 

Beomgyu's always so romantic but Taehyun couldn't not be surprised. He clasped his hands over his mouth, gasping softly in the sight of candles everywhere, which would have been the cause of the fire, 

petals of roses in the center of the court, a small mat laid on top of it with Champagne and the boy looked at the chairs around the court, where the audience would sit and found a big white screen, A beam projector's light aimed onto it. 

"H-hyung, why are you doing th-this..." Taehyun grabbed Beomgyu's wrist and gently rubbed it, 

"Because... I still love you, Now, I don't know what to say, and I know you won't stay for me, but before you go, let me... Let me just have this moment, Taehyun. One last time, I wanna remind myself the time with you even when you're gone." 

"Beomgyu hyung," 

"Ssh, Do you still love me?" 

"I-I do but listen to me," Taehyun was cut off by the older, he softly pulled Taehyun into a hug and kissed the top of his head, then escorted him to the middle of the court where the roses were scattered. 

"Sit down, first." 

"Hyung did you do all these? W-why do we have blankets and a tent here?" Oh yeah, there was an open-tent too, with comfy blankets and pillows inside it, giving them the perfect view of the screen in front of them. 

"In case you wanna see what I prepared." 

"Hey, I do wanna see what you did, but listen, You know I've made my decision, right?" 

"I do. Taehyun-ah, If you still love me, It wouldn't be a crime to kiss you, would it?" Beomgyu caressed the soft cheeks of Taehyun, the younger visibly turning red, And Beomgyu knows how much Taehyun misses being touched by the love of his life. 

"I... I don't know... Would it?" 

"Mm-hm, Let's test and see, shall we?" And Taehyun didn't reply, he realized how he was being cornered to the tent's tender wall, on top of those comfortable cushiony sheets and Beomgyu was leaning in for a kiss. 

And then, Beomgyu paused before slowly pressing his lops onto Taehyun's, te softest kuss of all the soft kisses that is ever to exist. Taehyun immediately gripped the sheets underneath him, suddenly remembering what it felt like to e kissed by Beomgyu, 

It was euphoric, of course. And he didn't hesitate to kiss him back, 

"I missed this," Beomgyu said in between their kiss, and Taehyun hummed softly, his hands reached to the back of Beomgyu's hair to grab a fistful, 

"I thought you've forgotten how to kiss me back," He teased again, licking the tip of Taehyun's ear, causing the latter to bite his lip, 

"I didn't," Taehyun whispered as he pulled Beomgyu by the collar to kiss him back, their lips which were meant for each other dancing in sync, and Taehyun didn't hesitate to let the older's eager tongue to let in, and fuck, the boy had forgotten that he is trying to get away from Beomgyu. 

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