rugby game

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i wake up and feel a warm body collided with mine, i smile and slowly get up earning a groaning harry. i fix my hair and get downstairs. harry his mom was sitting at the table looking at me "y/n?" she looks suprised and i feel anxious "did u come from upstairs" she ask's "yes" i nod. "well u can wake harry up he has rugby game in an hour he needs to get ready" she says and i nod, i still felt like i was flying from the kiss i had yesterday and i was curious at how he would treat me now. i slowly shake him awake "what" he asks in his morning voice "u have rugby match in an hour u need to get ready" i say he groans and sits up straight "is my mom downstairs?" he asks "yes" i say, he nods and stands up throwing all his rugby clothes on the bed. i went out and changed into my own clothes again making myself look decent. i go down and sit with ms greene "are u coming to the game" she asks me "i dont know" i say. harry comes down and eat something before he is ready to go "are u coming to my game?" he asks "i dont know do u want me to come?" i ask "yea" he says and i nod "okay".

i was sitting on the seats and wave at charlie, he was a reserve but still. i had small talk with imogen and watched harry. imogen is obsessed with harry i mean she talks about him everytime of the day its annoying. i dont know why it bothers me so much me and harry kissed but nothing more maybe he kissed imogone too? i felt my mood go down "whats up y/n" i hear maison call from behind me "nothing much what about u" i ask my eyes locked on the game "same just here to come watch my mates" he says and i hum in response. mason kept trying to actually start a conversation but i kept it by small talk, i was still nice tho? i mean he tried to atleast talk to me.

harrys pov:
im playing rugby and make eyecontact with y/n  a lot, for some reason i feel way better playing when she is here? i feel like she is giving me a boost of power. until maison sat next to her, when i tell u i hate that guy with all my guts im serious. at first i thought it was because he was just annoying but now that i kinda figured my feelings out i know im jealous, it makes me feel icky seeing them talk like that. that has to be me. i was staring at them for way to long and got tackled, it was bad. i fell and my nose started bleeding. i curse at myself for not looking out as i walk to the nursery room.

y/ns pov:
the last thing i knew u finally looked up at maison giving him a weak smile, and then all of the suddon harry got tackled. i mean its the point of the game but he didnt handle the tackle good, he got a nose bleed and i could imagine what he was mumbling as i look at him walking inside. i had to go there and help him. i saw imogen walk towards the buiding and thought for a second. isn't it weird going in there with her? i push all my bad thoughts aside and walk towards the building finding the nursery room. "sorry to bother" i say opening the door looking at a half mad harry and a worried imogen, "what are u doing here" imogen asks "just checking" i say in a hushed voice "dont u hate him? get away if u do he's hurt" she scolds at me and i just stand there "im sorry i just wanted to check calm ur tits" i say remembering when harry said that to me. he remembered too because he let out a chuckle and looked at me, i smiles slightly and looked at imogen "u got it all covered i see ill go" i say walking out. i felt bad that i couldnt help, i wanted to care for him.. maybe like a girlfriend? i immediately scold at myself for thinking like that.

i waited for harry outside while talking to charlie "so how is u and nick" i ask wobbling my eyebrows, he laughs at my face "good" he says "u and harry?" he asks and that completely caught me off guard "what" i aks "how was ur vacation and all that" he asks "oh it was okay" i smile and shake my head at myself for almost thinking charlie knew something. (harry isn't homophobic in here)
harry walked out talking with his friends and imogen on his side "are u alright" i hear charlie ask "im fine dont worry" i smile and throw up my thumbs. i didnt even know if i was going home or with harry, he seemed busy so i just went to go home. it started to rain and i quickly ran home. laying on my bed i did nothing else then just text elle making plans for next week and eating grapes, the bell went and my mom opened "Y/N ITS FOR U" she screams and i stand up going downstairs....

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