reverse comfort

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"harry" is all i can say as i look at the angry harry standing in front of me, he takes my wrist and yanks me inside. i just decide to stay silent not wanting to anger him more "fucking hell" i hear him curse under his breath, he was pacing around in the kitchen "im sor-" i start but he cuts me off "for fucks sake y/n?? i thought i fucking lost u" he snaps and i back up a little. i was shocked seeing him like this, i mean maybe it was too long ago? "im sorry" i say and come closer, he keeps cursing under his breath pacing around the kitchen more. "u cant just ignore me for hours i was worried sick" he says.

"where u with him?" he asks and i slightly turn my head looking confused "noah" he adds as i could hear the disgust in his voice "yea bu-" i start trying t explain myself as he cuts me off again "i knew it i fucking knew it" he starts mumbling shit i cant even hear or figure out "y/n why would u??" he asks and i gulp "it was with the whole group u saw us walking out" i say facing him. he stayed silent for a while mumbling things i just couldn't hear. i dont
know why he was this mad, i mean okay he was jealous and i understand but i was totally clueless of what to do. he was freaking out and i still didn't know of what to be exact. "harry" i rub his arm as he looks at me "wait are u crying??" i ask and he just looks down. i felt so fucking bad, i didnt mean to ignore harry his texts i just thought they were normal ones. "harry come here" i pull him towards me and he desperately hugs me as i could hear him sob on my shoulder "im so sorry harry but im keeping my distance of noah already he is just always there" i say as i caress his back making circle motions "i know but i cant loose u" he says and i nod "u wont" i assure him "y/n im serious u cant leave me" he faces me and i cup his cheeks wiping his tears with my fingers "i wont harry im always gonna be here" i say and he nods "im sorry for this" he says and i shake my head "dont worry im glad u confronted me" i say. maybe thats weird but seeing harry cry because of me hurts me too, but its good knowing he actually takes us seriously. i do too and it feels amazing.

"wanna watch a movie then?" i ask and he nods
walking towarda the couch, i just comforted him more and he kept saying sorry. now we were on the couch ready to watch a movie.

"if u never liked me would u date noah?" harry asks and i pop my head up "i can't imagine that" i say, i mean i get the fact harry is scared to loose me and sometimes i am too but noah is a big no go. "answer please" he pouts and i grunt "i wouldn't" i answer in all honesty. he seemed happy about my answer and continued to watch the movie with a smile on his face.

i couldn't sleep over so before i left i planted harry many kisses. i walk home thinking about everything in general, the light breeze on my cheeks as i quicken my pace. getting home i just took a shower and went to bed, ignoring all texts from my worried friends.

falling asleep, thinking. about my amazing boyfriend harry greene.

sorry for short chapter!!
enjoy loves<3
i love u all dont forget to eat and drink and im super proud of u for getting trough today!

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