CHAP 3- Are You A Hobo?

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Hey guys. I'm really sorry for not updating sooner. i was trying to write but everything just ended up sounding like crap.........i wouldn't particularly say that i like this chapter too much but it's better than my previous attempts. so there's the 3rd chapter and hope you enjoy it. Any criticism about improving this chapter or my previous chapters would be gratefully appreciated......HAVE FUN READING :D

That's a pic of Blade!!!! :) -------------------------------------------->

Climbing out of my bed, I cracked open my window, after pushing aside my striped blue curtains to reveal a bright sun peaking through the clouds, making me giddy with excitement. I poked my head out the window enjoying the warmth on my face and smiled. It’s been a while since there was actually a sunny day here. “Good Morning” I yelled in a sing-song voice to no one in particular. I’m definitely gonna make the best of this day  I thought, so the first thing to get started on are..................MILKSHAKES!!!! As I looked around, amazed at how beautiful the sun could make everything look when it’s in its full glory I noticed a man sitting on the sidewalk playing with something yellow in his hands.”Hi,” I said, “Are you a hobo? I’ve always wanted to be friends with a hobo.” He turned his head, smiled up at me then sneered, which showed that he was missing most of his teeth and threw the object he held in his hands at me. Wow! bi-polar much?  What did I do wrong? I was being completely friendly! It struck me in my eye making me yelp out in pain. It turns out he was playing with a small and yellow rubber duck. What grown man plays with a duck!?....Hehe. My good mood quickly faded and I backed away from the window grasping the duck tightly; my hands balled into fists. If only this duck was living so I could suffocate it!

Racing down the stairs and into the kitchen at top speed, heading for the front door, I stopped dead in my tracks when I saw someone at MY stove. Disbelief flashed across my face when I realised that it was Blade. WFT! Didn’t I lock the door last night? I distinctly remember locking it!!

“Blade why are you in my house?” I asked, my voice calm and cool. Breathe…just breathe Jayde..

“Good morning to you too Jayde! I thought you were never going to wake up and get ready for school. hey I thought I’d make breakfast for you. Hope you like French toast and scrambled eggs.”  He said, wiping his hands on a tpwel that was draped over his right shoulder and walking over to me. I took a step back and held my hands out to stop him from stepping and closer to me.

“Don’t bullshit me Blade!” I said through clenched teeth, ”Why the fuck are you in my house? I made sure to lock the door last night!” I practically screamed at him.

A thoughtful expression crossed his face, as though he wasn’t sure why he was here himself. Then he just laughed. What the hell is so funny!  “Oh, well you left the window open.”

“Which window Blade?” I asked, clenching and unclenching my fists in an attempt to not let my anger take over me.

“Errrrrrrr…….Chase’s bedroom window. Since he isn’t here I thought I’d check up on you” he stated as a matter of factly, and I could’ve sworn I heard him say ‘ And Chase isn’t coming back’ but that couldn’t be right. It must be my imagination again. I let out a breath I didn’t know, until now, that I was holding.

“Ok.” I chirped, still a bit uneasy. I looked down at my hands and realised that I still had the duck in it. A small gasp escaped from my lips, “Ummm….Hold on a sec ok?” I said to Blade and ran to the front door then swung it open, only to be greeted by the same toothless man angrily staring at me. My eyes wandered over him, slowly taking in his apperence. He wore a dirty singlet that looked like it hadn’t been washed in weeks, or maybe even months, under a dark grey jacket, or at least what was left of it since there were holes decorating almost every inch of it, with a pair of black, baggy long sweat pants. His feet were bare but covered in dirt.

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