CHAP 5- Whatever You Say Bob...

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Hey...sry this upload took so long...i was trying to upload 2 chapters at the same time but that didnt work out.....i think i'll stick to one chap at a time....anywayz i dedicad this chapter to should check out her book called Just an Act.......i read it and it was awsome!! read it..:).....hope u enjoy this chapter....i tried to make it funny...hopefully i succeeded :D......ENJOY!!!



"Hey there," I said bouncing on my heels. I was so excited that I could almost burst. I love hobos! I've always wanted to be a hobo since I was a little kid but my parents refused to let me be one. I think they have awesome lives. They're so care-free and they don't have to go to school!

He looked up at me from a piece of paper he was reading," Ummmmm hi?" he said a little unsure as to why I was talking to him.

"Can I sit with you?" I asked.

"Sure. It's a free country. You can sit wherever you wish." He responded causing me to laugh.

"Thanks. My name's Jayde!" I basically shouted.

"Well it's nice to meet you Jayde. My name's Aiden." He returned his attention back to the paper he was reading.

I took a second to look at him before sitting down next to him. Aiden's hair was pulled together at the back of his head in a ponytail that stopped right below his shoulder blades. He was dressed in a fairly clean red and blue plaid shirt with a grey t-shirt inside; there were a few food stains here and there. He wore some pretty worn out sneakers on his feet with a pair of long khaki pants with lots of pockets, most of them seemed to be filled, and a plain black cap on his head. He didn't look too bad for a hobo. At least he looked much better than the hobo I met this morning and I'm sure his attitude towards is a lot better as well.

"Do you want some of this." I held out a box filled with chicken nuggets and some fries, while continuing to eat my wrap.

"Huh?" He looked a little confused.

"I asked if you wanted some of these chicken nuggets and fries."

"Ummmm.Yea. Sure." I handed the box over to him, "Thanks."

"No problem." I said with a smile. "So what's going on in your life?"

He almost chocked on his food,"What?! Why would you ask that? You don't even know me."

"Is it a crime to ask you how your life's going? Even if I don't happen to know you? I'm just trying to be friendly." I snapped.

"I guess not. Sorry. So far my life's not the best, but I'll survive. How about you?" he asked through a mouthful of fries.

"It sucks. My morning was absolutely horrible. I woke up thinking i was going to have a great day, and you would never guess what happened? I said hi to hobo outside of my house and he threw a duck at my face!! Can u believe that!? After I went downstairs to give him back his stupid duck, only to find my friend downstairs cooking breakfast. I have no idea how he got into my house. I specifically remembered locking all the doors and windows before I went to bed since he was 'mysteriously' in my room last night as well. He said he came in through my brother's bedroom window, and I guess that made sense because my brother never closes anything so maybe he left his bedroom window open. I wouldn't know because I never go into his room. It's filthy. To make matters worse! I went outside to give him the duck but I ended up throwing it in his face to get back at him. Then he grabbed my hair and began to drag me into my yard. I think he was trying to kidnap me! Luckily Blade, the guy who was in my house, came to the rescue me. Although, I think I saw him slip something into the hobo's pocket but I think it was just my mind playing tricks on me. I was still in shock afterall. Moving on, while Blade and I were going to school, he stopped for gas so I used the time to get back at him. Last night he shoved his ice cream in my face, because he thought that it would be 'funny' and then he made me go into the MEN's bathroom so he could clean my shirt. So I spread loads of peanut butter on his seat. When he came back and realised what he was sitting on he was sooooo pissed. I tried apologizing after I realized that maybe I had gone too far since he didn't have time to go home to change without being late for school, but he just snapped at me and said that I never think. Then asked what was the point of having a big brain if i wasn't gonna use it and then made me walk the rest of the way to school," Some friend he is I thought to myself.

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