CHAP 10- The Date

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What I should wear? Blade didn’t exactly say where he was taking me. What if I over-dressed? Or under-dressed? Do you see my predicament? This is precisely why I hate going out. Figuring out what to wear involves too much thinking. Ugh! I guess I eventually settled on some faded blue jeans, a grey sweater and a pair of white flip flops. I pulled my hair into a high ponytail and added a touch of make-up. While I was putting on my flip flops I heard the doorbell ring and I hurried downstairs. Just as I reached the last step, to my luck, I fell head first to the hard floor. Great! Just great! (note my sarcasm)

“Jayde, are you okay? I heard something fall,” Blade inquired through the closed door.

“Uh. Yea. I just dropped my bag. I’ll be there in a sec,” I shouted, pushing myself off of the floor and darted towards the door and yanked it open.

“Hi Blade,” I greeted and pulled him in the direction of his car, not giving him a chance to enter the house because I was eager for this date to begin.

“Woah. We have the entire night, what’s the hurry?” Blade asked as we stopped by his car.

“There’s no hurry. I’m just excited.”

“Okay. Well let’s get this date started, shall we?” he said, opening the door for me.

“We shall,” I replied and bowed before taking a seat.

Blade entered the car soon after and asked, “Jayde did you forget your bag?” just as he reversed out of the driveway.

“No. Why?”

“Well you did say that you dropped it about five minutes ago. I just assumed that you were bringing it with you,” he stated.

“Oh. That bag. Don’t worry about it. It died.”

“I’m just going to pretend that I didn’t hear that, ok?” Blade chuckled.

I shook my head and sank back into the seat, hoping to blend in with it. This is our very first date and I’ve already made a fool of myself.

We drove in silence for a while before Blade spoke up,” What’s up Jayde? You seem to be in deep thought.”

“It’s nothing really. It’s just that yesterday I told Alexis that you and I were together and she wasn’t so supportive of it. She said that it was a bad idea. Why can’t she be happy for me? She’s my best friend,” I cried out.

“Hmmmmmm. I’m not sure what to say to that. Maybe she’s jealous of you?” he offered.

“I don’t know. Maybe. But Alexis hates you. Why does she hate you so much, Blade?”

“Again I’m not quite sure what to say or think. But to be honest, Jayde, I despise her as well. I guess it’s a mutual thing.”

“I know that this is probably asking a lot of you but can you try to be nice to her the next time you two meet?” I begged. How could my best friend and boyfriend not get along? All I knew was that they needed to fix their problems soon or there will be chaos each time the two of them are within close proximity.

“I’m not making any promises Jay. But I’ll try. For you,” he said with a smile and gave me a quick glance before returning his focus to the road in front of him. We wouldn’t want to be getting in any car accidents on our first date now would we? I thought, which, was a very bad idea because that only brought up memories of the accident my parents died in. I tear escaped out of the corner of my eye and I quickly wiped it away. I really that Blade didn’t see that, it would ruin the entire night, and thankfully he didn’t.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 20, 2011 ⏰

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