CHAP 4- You Know Who I Am

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Hey........sorry i took so long to post a new chapter.......i know nothing funny really happens in this chapter but i'm hoping that the next chapter will be funny :)...have fun reading!!......and please let me know if you like my new book cover....i changed it because one of my friends told me i should change it...and i agree because it didn't look eye catching. hope you like this one :)...ENJOY!

That's the new cover :D------------------------------------>



There was a loud knock coming from the closed office door and before I realised what I was doing I eased the window up slowly, careful not to make any noise and slipped out quickly. I didn’t mind the punishment but I could not handle another speech from the principal. Believe me, he is a good guy considering the fact that he tries his best to get me out of trouble, but he gets to your head after a while.

There was no one anywhere in sight. Thank God! I definitely didn’t want to be caught sneaking out of school. I made my over to the bus stop and waited for the next bus. It took about five minutes before an empty bus approached the bus stop. I had no idea where this bus was headed and I was not going to try to figure it out since I didn’t know where I wanted to go so I think I’ll leave it as a surprise.

As soon as I entered and took my seat to back of the bus it slowly began its trip to my unknown destination. I laid my head back on the seat and plugged my headphones into my ears enjoying the feeling of being alone, something I haven’t been able to feel in long time. I’m either in school surrounded by my friends or at home with Chase or Blade. Speaking of Blade, it’s kind of weird how he manages to enter my house even when I’m sure to lock all the door and windows. Although I don’t mind his company, especially since Chase isn’t here, it’s still kind of peculiar. I guess he’s probably just looking out for me because Chase asked him to.

I looked out the window while singing along to Silhouette by Thrice when a very serene river, running through a meadow with lush green grass decorated with different coloured flowers came into view. The sparkling blue water moved slowly down the river and I couldn’t help but think, what if I could be the water? I wouldn’t need to worry about anything. I’d just let the current carry me to nowhere in particular and indulge in the warm sun shining down on me. I could just forget about everything, the past and future and just think about right now. Everything would be so much easier.

I rested my head against the window and continued to stare out at everything that passed me by- a few stray dogs, cars, people, houses and the beautiful scenery. Soon my eyes started to feel heavy and a waved of tiredness washed over me. I suppose I could rest my eyes for a few minutes. I quickly succumbed to the tired feeling as everything stared to look blurry and I could no longer keep my eyes open.


“Jayde? Is that you? I need you to come to me,” a barely audible voice whispered. I spun in circles frantically searching for the person who the voice belonged to.

“Stop trying to look for me. I am not able to show myself here. I need you look for a cabin and there you will find me. Please hurry. I do not have much time.”

“W-w-w-wait, w-who are you? Where am I?” I asked but I had a feeling that I wasn’t going to get an answer.

“Please hurry. The cabin is not far from here. Just follow the path and it should lead you to it,” the voice said as it began to get softer and eventually was no longer there.

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