CHAP 9- I'm His Girlfriend! :)

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HEY guys! sorry i took so long to upload....but i've had a lot of things going on lately...despite the fact that it's vacation....but i still posted a new chap so....enjoy :)


Blade’s P.O.V

Did I really just kiss Jayde? I still can’t wrap my mind around that. It’s as though I couldn’t control my body.  I just felt a compelling need to kiss her. Should I be worried that she asked me to leave so soon? i knew that she liked me for some time so shouldn’t she be happy that I kissed her? Maybe she didn’t actually like me?! But who wouldn’t like me? I’m Blade Matthews. The Blade Matthews.

I continued to drive to my house with the hope of getting a good night’s rest because tomorrow’s going to be full of surprises.

As soon as I got home I headed straight to my room and sunk into my bed, not even taking my shoes off. I was that tired.

“You need to finish it Blade,” I heard a familiar voice say right before my eyelids began to feel heavy and I knew exactly what that meant.

“Okay. Just make sure to lock the door on your way out,” I answered.


Jayde’s P.O.V.

“Trent nooooo!!!!!!” I screamed as Trent chased me around the parking lot as soon as I entered the school, trying to give me a hug. That’s just the kind of guy Trent was….nice, funny and most of all annoying. He knew I hated hugs because they just creep me out, yet he always gives them to me.

“Alexis! Tell him to stop please,” I begged as my best stood there laughing at us.

“Just let him hug you Jayde and then he’ll leave you alone,” she replied.

“Haha. That’s easy for you to say. Al least you’re not the one who has issues with hugs!” I retorted slightly annoyed.

“Ok fine. Come here Trent. You can give me a hug instead,” Alexis called out to Trent and then his face dropped a little but lit back up when he realised that was getting to hug someone. He raced toward Alexis, enveloping her in a huge bear hug, lifting her off of the ground. Is it just me or did I hear bones crack?

“Are you happy now Trent?” Alexis choked out whilst coughing and Trent nodded his head forcefully, ”Well let’s head to class then.”

The three of us entered the school and walked to first class, Math, with our hands linked together, singing Stereo Hearts loudly.

Thankfully my morning classes were over because I cannot handle Math in the morning. I need boring classes in the morning to catch up on my sleeping and if I weren’t so bad at Math I wouldn’t even bother to pay attention at all.

“Psst…..Psssssssst.” I heard someone whisper as I passed by an empty classroom. I just ignored it and walked straight past the classroom.

“Jayde, wait,” someone called out. I stopped and spun around on my heel to see who was calling me.

“Blade? What’s wrong?” I asked, surprised as to why he would be trying to talk to me. Honestly I didn’t really feel up to talking to him today, especially after what happened last night.

“Nothing. But I kinda wanted to talk to you about last night. You know, to know where we stand.”

“Oh. I’m not exactly sure about that. Where do you think we stand?” I questioned, actually nervous for his response.

“Well I know that we definitely can’t go back to being just friends.” Oh My Goodness! Does this mean what I think it means?

“You’re right. So what do you suggest that we become?”

“I was wondering if you wanted to be my girlfriend.”

Holy shit! This day cannot get any better!

“Of course Blade!” I shouted, my voice filled with excitement and a huge grin plastered onmy face.

“Phew. Well at least the hardest part is over. So do you wanna maybe go out with me?”

I nodded my head so hard that I swore that it was going to fall off of my body and roll away.

“Great. Then I’ll pick you up at seven tomorrow,” he said and smiled before walking away,” Bye Jayde.”

“Bye boyfriend,” I replied, batting my eyelashes and wiggling my fingers in his direction.

Blade only responded by laughing and shaking his head. I headed to the cafeteria because I was starving. As I entered I noticed Trent and Alexis waving me over to their table and I jogged over to them.

“Hey guys. You would not believe what just happened!” I shouted.

“I’m pretty sure that I’ll believe it but fire away. What just happened?” Trent probed.

“Oh stop being a party pooper Trent,” Alexis scolded,” So what happened Jay?”

“I’m not telling you as yet. You need to guess.”

“Fine. Did you just notice the one eyed bird there is in the science lab?” Trent questioned.

“Nope. But that is so cool. I’ve never noticed it! I’ll go check it out now,” I said, forgetting the matter at hand, and was about to walk off when Alexis grabbed my hand.

“Oh no, you’re not going anywhere. You need to tell us what happened. So spill.”

“Weeeelll, BladeAskedMeToBeHisGirlfriend,” I rushed out so quickly that it was understandable.

“Hold up. What did you say? The only thing I heard was girlfriend. Can you say everything muchslower please?” Alexis asked.

“Blade asked me to be his girlfriend,” I squealed.

“Holy shit! Are you serious Jay?” Alexis enquired.

“Yes, yes and yes!” I was now jumping up and down and clapping with a ginormous grin on my face.

“Jay I’m happy for and everything but does it really have to be Blade. No offense to you or anything but he’s a huge ass face and a freaking man whore! “

“I know you hate him Alexis but he’s really nice once you get to know him. He even made breakfast for me yesterday.”

“And I’m guessing that he’s the reason you were so pissed yesterday and left school?” Trent asked.

I couldn’t answer because that would be proving Alexis’ point so I just stayed quiet.

“Do you see what I mean Jayde? He’s the biggest jerk on this planet! I really think that this is a bad idea. He’s only going to hurt you,” Alexis stated.

“Geez Alexis, don’t bother that I even mentioned that. I’m going to get something to eat. I’ll see you guys later,” I said before taking a place in the line to get my lunch. I could see the hurt expression on Alexis’ face but I would not let myself feel bad. She’s my best friend, she’s should be happy for me yet she’s here telling me that’s it’s a bad idea.

No one is going to bring me down today. This is my day!


sooooooo...was this what you expected to happened??....i hope not...because i dont think it would've been fun for you to read..........if you liked this chap don't forget to vote and comment :D...bye.......hopefully chap 10 will be soon...although it might not be until saturday because i wont be in my house until and where i'm going there's no internet :(...that's really sad huh??...

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