Chapter 1

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Sadie's POV

Baylen and the boys picked me up at 10pm and we went to a club. Since we were in ATL, the nightclubs were PACKED. We went for the food, the music, and the overall vibes. No one planned on drinking except me.

I had a shot, and then danced with the guys and a couple of my girlfriends the rest of the time.

"Your boyfriend is looking at you." My friend Rachel said, struggling to speak over the music. I turned around and just outside of the dance floor Baylen was sitting at one of the small tables. He was looking my way, holding his plastic cup of Pepsi. He wasn't smiling like he usually would be. He looked disoriented.

I turned back to Rachel. "I'll be back."

I danced through the crowd and when I got to him I realized the hand holding his Pepsi was shaking.

"Baylen?" I said. "You okay?"

He looked at me like he might cry. "I.. I think someone put something in my drink."

"What?" I said.

He shakily put his cup down on the table and ran his hands through his hair. He stood, still shaking badly. I touched his arm and he flinched.

"Hey.. hey..." I said. I looked around. Where were Peej and Kyle?

I carefully took his hand and led him to the girls bathroom. Four girls were checking their makeup in the mirror. They gave us rude looks.

"Could y'all leave for a few minutes?" I said politely.

"Why cunt? This isn't a fucking sex club. Go fuck your boyfriend in your car or something, skank bitch." One of the girls said. Her friends cackled drunkenly.

I spotted all their vapes on the sink. With one swipe I grabbed them all and held them up. The girls gasped. They were too drunk to move fast enough to get them back before I made my next move. I let go of Baylen's hand to rush to the door. I tossed all the vapes outside the bathroom and into the crowd of people. "Go fetch, bitches."

The girls all pushed past eachother to get out of the bathroom. Once they were gone, I returned to Baylen. His face was red and he looked like he was holding back tears.

"Talk to me, what's going on?" I said. I took his hands and led him to the sink and sat him on the counter.

He wiped his nose with his sleeve. "This girl was hanging around my table after Peej left... Fuck I do not feel good."

"How do you feel?" I asked, studying his demeanor. He wasn't himself.

"I feel like I'm actually panicking right now. The room is shrinking and growing and.." his voice broke and he started crying softly.

"Baylen..." I leaned into him and he cried into me. I felt so bad.

"So there was a girl?" I said, still hugging him. I had to figure out what happened.

He pulled away and sat up straight and wiped his eyes. He was still shaking. "She was talking to me and I told her like.. I have a girlfriend. I was nice about it. And she was like I'll see how you feel later and then she left and I didn't think much of it.. but I drank my drink and a few minutes later I felt dizzy like this... so I drank more cuz I thought it was just in my head.. I don't know like... I don't know. But it got worse after my second sip."

"Someone drugged you." I said, clenching my teeth.

"Sadie it's getting worse.." he stumbled onto his feet and towards a stall. He knelt in front of the toilet. "I'm so dizzy I might throw up.." he said. I rubbed his back.

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