Chapter 11

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*sorry to do this but smut warning*

Sadie's POV

I woke up, barely able to open my eyes. The room was a blinding shade of white. When my caisson adjusted I looked around. Directly in front of me on a small couch, my mom and dad sat asleep. Cooper layed across their laps, covered with a think blanket. I look to my left and was shocked to see Baylen. He was asleep too, his head thrown back and arms crossed. Mouth WIDE open.

So cute.

I tried to sit up but my body ached; like the whole thing was bruised.

"" I croaked. It came out super quiet. I tried to clear my throat. I needed water.

"Mom?" I tried again, a little louder this time. My moms eyes snapped open and she jumped, waking my dad and Cooper. Their eyes grew as big as saucers when they saw me.

"Sadie!" Cooper shouted. My dad shushed him while my mom ran out and called for a nurse.

Baylen eyes opened slightly and he shook himself awake. When he saw me he stood immediately and grasped my hand. "Sadie."

"Hi guys." My voice came out broken and awful. A nurse came in and handed me a cup of water. I drank it fast, and finally was able to clear my throat fully.

"You're a very lucky young lady." She glanced at Baylen. I must've looked confused, because my mom took my other hand and crouch down to my level.

"Sweetie... Baylen saved you." She said tearfully.

"Your car burst into flames and he pulled you out!" Cooper said. My dad patted his shoulder to say chill out.

I looked to Baylen and almost simultaneously we started to cry. I sat up despite the pain this time to hug him.

"I'm so sorry, Sadie." He cried into me.

"Me too. I love you." I said.

"I love you so much."


After I was discharged, my parents made me come home. Couldn't blame them. I was sad though, because I wanted to be with Baylen.

But of course that motherfucker insisted on leaving his friends and family behind yet again to come stay with me while I healed.

After three weeks I wasn't sore at all. I felt perfect actually, just had a scar on my arm from broken glass.

One particular night, my parents planned a dinner at Olive Garden and a movie afterwards. I wasn't feeling like going out, so naturally Baylen stayed home with me. We waved my parents and Cooper off and went to watch a movie in the living room.

"I hate this movie." I said. It was a romcom, something stupid.

"It's kinda nice." Baylen said.

"Cringe." I said to him, pretending to gag. He laughed and shot me the bird.

I turned the movie off and crawled into his lap. "Hi."

He smiled, kissing me twice. "Hi."

I kissed him back, first just a peck then we started making out. Baylen ran his fingers through my hair and then down my back, grabbing my ass. He massaged it and I kissed down to his neck. He slid his hands around and cupped them around my tits and massaged those too while I kept kissing him. I moaned softly into his skin, and in response he brought my lips back to his and slid his hands under my shirt. He unhooked my bra from the back and I took off my shirt and helped him take my bra off all the way. He kissed down my collarbone and started to kiss and suck on my tits. I moaned a bit louder now. Then he slid out from under me and laid me on my back, kissing down my torso and stopping at my pajama shorts. He bit the hem and let it snap back onto my skin, making me squeal. He slid them off, leaving me in just my lace underwear. He kissed all around my center, teasing me. I wiggled my hips, begging him to eat me out. He pulled my panties to the side and licked my already sensitive clit slowly, making me shiver with pleasure. He did that consistently for about 30 seconds, making me moan louder and louder and throw my head back against the couch. This was as far as we'd ever gone. He stopped sudddenly, sitting up and wiping his mouth.

"What's wrong?" I asked, both of us out of breath. I propped myself up on my elbows.

"Shouldn't we go upstairs?" He asked, motioning towards the door. We both laughed realizing we had gotten so carried away. We were in direct view of the front door. If my parents walked in? Yikes.

He picked up me with ease, bringing my clothes with me and carried me upstairs. He laid me gently on my bed and shut the door and positioned himself back over me. He kissed my lips again and then kissed back down to my center and started up giving me head again. He sped it up progressively and just as I was about to cum he stopped and kissed my lips again, smirking against my teeth at his little teasing game. I gasped, sitting up, out of breath all over again and dripping wet.

"Two can play at that game."

I got off the bed and moved his legs off the side so he was sitting up and I took off his shirt and started to kiss him, kissing down to his member and playing with it through his boxers, watching intently as his face changed. His mouth openly slightly and his breathing picked up.

"You like that?" I whispered.

"Yeah, baby..." he sounded whiny. My pussy throbbed.

I shimmied his boxes down and licked the tip once, watching his body tense up at the sensation. Then I started giving him the sloppiest head I'd ever given him. I jerked him off while I did it and in no time he was moaning my name. He wrapped his hand around my hair and pushed me down.

"Uhh... fuck... I'm gonna..."

Just then I stopped. He threw his head back groaning. "Fuckkkk..."

I sat in his lap, my panties against his hard dick. "You don't like it very much do you?"

Just then he kissed me hard, leaving me nearly no room to breathe. He put me on my back again, positioning himself over me. He pushed my panties to the side again and rubbed the tip against my clit.

Suddenly he stopped again though.

He breathed heavily against my lips.


"Is this okay?" He asked softly. We'd never done anything THIS together before. I felt myself get wetter at just him asking that.

"Yes it's more than okay."

He kissed me as he thrusted inside of me slowly, and I gasped as he went in all the way. I dug my nails into his back and moaned into his collarbone.

"Fuckkk... Baylen, fuck..."

He started to stroke in and out slow at first, moaning softly in my ear.

"I fucking love you..." he said roughly.

"I love you baby ohhhh fuck...."

He sped up, and I felt like my nails were drawing blood now. It felt so good.

We came at the same time and he pulled out, nutting all over my stomach. He cleaned me up and held me tight, and we both tried to steady our breathing again.

"I want to marry you. 100%." He said just before he fell asleep.

"I can't wait."

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