Chapter 27

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**** READERS: my updates have been sort of... lackluster. I know it's been way too lovey dovey, but I'm done doing all that boring bs. Back to action and suspense and drama!***

Baylen's POV

Bunny ended up going back to her parents house the next day. They were having a barbecue. She invited me, but Kyle and I had to film. We called Peej to see if he'd join us but he didn't answer the phone.

"Is he still off with his friends?" I said.

"Dude yes he hasn't even texted me back since the day he left." Kyle said, holding up his phone to show me the unanswered messages.

"That's fuckin weird, is he mad at us or something?" I said as we got into the minivan with Lukas.

"I don't know. He was fine before he left."

We drove to the Avalon and tried filming but got ambushed by fans. We getting want to get trespassed at Avalon because of the crowd, so I led the way and we all walked to the mall. There had to be over a hundred fans following me.

While we were walking one of the fans behind me screamed "Wait Peej is here too?"

I looked around, confused. "Is he?"

"Right there!" The boy yelled, pointing down the street in front of a fancy bar and grill. He was looking around like he was lost or something.

"Holy shit that IS him. Rush in, my fellow Jedi!" I yelled, running full speed towards him. The crowd did the same and as we got closer I stopped. Multiple people bumped into me since I stopped so abruptly. Peej jumped when he saw us and the drink in his hand spilled a little. It was BEER.

The crowd saw and went crazy screaming at him.


I walked up to him, gesturing for the loud crowd to stand back so we could talk in private. "Peej? What are you doing?"

"Uh.. just hanging out.." he said, looking at his shoes.

"What... why are you drinking that?" I said, pointing to the can.

"I don't know I just.. felt like it I guess."


The crowd started getting up to you despite my gesture for them not to. I faced them and held up my arms. "We need a minute everyone just stay in this area. I promise I'll come back."

The crowd awww'd and started to disperse. I took Peej's arm and walked around to an alleyway between the bar and grill and the building next to it. Kyle followed. Lukas stood back, turning the camera off.

"What's going on? You haven't even been answering us." Kyle said. "And seriously man you just randomly 'felt like' drinking beer? You hate beer."

"I just wanted to try it since I can buy it legally now, okay? Just an experiment. And I-I didn't see your messages guys." He said.

"I know when you're lying dude, we're bestfriends. I've known you like my whole life almost. And that's another reason why you need to tell me the truth right now." I said calmly. "If you really started drinking that's fine, you're grown and I can't stop you. But why not respond to us? We know you got the messages and calls."

"No I'm not okay with the drinking shit." Kyle said. "You aren't that person. Something else is going on."

"Okay okay guys chill... I haven't been responding because... I've started seeing someone." Peej said.

"You.. what? Why wouldn't you tell us?" I said.

"Because it's low key and I don't wanna like... jinx it. This is actually her drink. I was outside trying to find our Uber." He said.

Baylen Levine || Behind the camerasWhere stories live. Discover now