Chapter 13

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*smut warning*

Sadie's POV

Baylen hugged me tight and kissed me, making the fans go insane. My hands flew to my face, shocked.

"Oh... I guess I should let you guys know..." Baylen said. "This is my girlfriend. And I love her so much."

He hugged me again, and it was time for Boat to do his song. As his track started, Baylen took my hand and led me off the stage. When we got off he picked me up and spun me around.

"Look at you! Did you cut your hair?" He said, putting me down.

"Yeah, yesterday!" He kissed me again and cupped my face in his hands.

"I love you!" He shouted.

"I love you!" I shouted back.

We hugged and talked for a minute or two and then Lukas gave his cue again, and Baylen had to go back onstage.

"You coming?" He asked.


Baylen brought me onstage and took a few minutes with the mic to tell the crowd about our relationship. He talked about the car accident and how it brought us so much closer. 

"This girl is fucking amazing. You know what?" Baylen said, rushing over to Lukas and whispering in his ear. Lukas rushed off the stage and was back a moment later with a small black bag. Baylen took it and came back over to me.

"I can think of no better time to do this. Sadie, here's your Christmas present."

I took the bag and paused for the crowds applause. I felt tears forming but kept them in.

"I don't usually flex my money but this is for her. Open it." Baylen said.

With shaking hands, I did. It was the pave diamond Gucci style bracelet! A $10,975 present! My attempts to hold the tears back failed. I hugged Baylen and cried into his shoulder. We we pulled back he put the mic in front of me. I sniffled and wipes my eyes.

"Thank you.." I said, laughing through my tears of joy.

I took a seat by Lukas behind the DJ table and watched the rest of the show. Every chance he got he shot me winks and smiles and glances. When the show was finally over and after he took pictures and did all the VIP shit, he ran over to me and scooped me up once again. He carried me to his car and sat me on the trunk before we started making out. In between kissing me he whispered over and over that he loved and missed me.

The rest of the boys came out to the parking lot too and started making moaning noises when they saw us. Baylen tackled them.

"Where should we go now?" Double said.

"Y'all go wherever. I'm taking Sadie home."

The boys ooed again.

Baylen and I loaded up in the Tesla and he put it on self-drive. He put on one night by Yachty and serenaded me. Halfway through the drive I remembered something he said to Kyle when he thought I wasn't listening. He said he always wanted to get head while the car was on self drive.

He was yelling lyrics still when I grabbed his face and kissed him. I wanted to take him by surprise so I did it with no warning. I took off his shirt and kissed down his chest and immediately pulled his already hard dick out of his shorts. I looked up at him and he was shocked, jaw dropped. I went to work quickly, sucking his dick. My head bobbed up and down. He moaned, squirming in his seat. He came in my mouth and I swallowed it, then kept on sucking to get him hard again. His legs were shaking.

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