Chapter 30

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Baylen's POV

Peej did as I asked. He sent a text saying to come quick, no explanation.

"Okay now send another one and tell her that the reason she needs to come is because I kicked you out and... fuckin... disowned you and you need a ride." I said.

He sent it, no question. Kyle had some though.

"What are you gonna do?" He said, following me as I went into the bathroom to wash my face after crying so much.

I leaned over the sink. "I'm gonna shut it down. Tell her there's no chance, and she needs to leave me and all my friends alone." I stood straight, drying my face and then dropping the towel on the counter. Kyle blocked the door.

"Dude." He said. "I don't see this ending well, we all know she's crazy."

"Exactly. And that's why I can't really blame Peej, I KNOW how manipulative she is. His mistake was answering her. And if I don't stop this, there's no telling how much longer she'll keep it up. What's next? She gonna text Lilah begging for help?" I said.

He let me pass him and we all stood around in the kitchen just waiting. Peej's phone dinged.

"Dude... look." Peej said. He handed me the phone.

Sadie responded with:

I'm so sorry. He's a piece of shit. Honestly just come back home to my parent's house with me. I wouldn't abandon you like he did. And now I guess I can tell you the truth... if shit didn't work with the plan or getting Baylen back, I was gonna tell you that I have feelings for you. I'm on my way, send the address.

"God she's so manipulative." I showed everyone the message. "She thinks I unfriended Peej so she jumps on him immediately."

"That's so fucked up." Peej said. "I don't know how I didn't realize her intentions before."

I typed the address out and sent it to her. "And now we wait."


"So... are we staying in here when she comes?" Lukas said.

"Yeah. I'm gonna call her out for everything. I hope it humiliates her when I say it in front of all of y'all." I said.

"Yeah man... me too. Fuck Sadie Crowell." Kyle laughed.

I raised my bottle of pink lemonade. "Fuck Sadie Crowell!"

Everyone picked up their own drinks and we cheers'd.

After like half an hour, Peej got another text. She said she was outside. Peej texted her saying to come in, that he was the only one home.

Moments later, there was a knock on the door. Peej answered it and told her to come in. I watched from the kitchen as she jumped in his arms. She hadn't noticed us.

"Are you okay?" She said to Peej. He limply hugged back and she pulled away, holding his face.

"I-I'm fine." He said.

"Ready to go?" She said. I cleared my throat from the kitchen, making her turn towards us.

Peej walked around her to shut the door.

"Hey Sadie. Can we talk?" I said calmly.

She was dumbfounded. She looked to Peej, but he walked away from her, joining us in the kitchen.

"I-I was just-"

"Why don't you sit?" I said, gesturing to the stools by the counter. "You don't have to. But I heard you had some things you needed to say to me."

She slowly approached, and took a seat. "Could we um.. talk in private?" She said softly.

"Nah, they can stay." I said. "So what's up? Why have you like... recruited my bestfriend?"

She sighed. "Baylen, I felt awful about how I hurt you so I just thought-"

"That you could turn me against him?" I said. "I saw the message you JUST sent. When you thought I kicked him out, you immediately swooped in to take him away."

She started crying. "I just missed you. I don't really feel that way for Peej, I'm just... lonely now without you. I'm sorry. I was using him to get close to you and when it obviously didn't work I just... I don't know. I wanted SOMETHING. Someone."

There was another knock at the door. We all exchanged looks. Who could that be?

Lukas went to answer the door, and BUNNY walked in. She was smiling, holding four pizza boxes. "Surpri..." she stopped short when she saw Sadie.

"Oh, hey babe. So guess what?" I explained the whole situation. "So Sadie here was just leaving, AFTER she promises to leave us all alone. Right Sadie?"

Sadie looked at Bunny. "You..?"

Lukas took the pizza boxes from Bunny and put them on the living room table.

"Hi..." Bunny said. "Used to be a uh... big fan." She laughed nervously.

To all of our surprise, Sadie jumped up and lunged at Bunny. She tackled her to the floor, straddling her and pulling her hair.

"YOU WHORE!" Sadie shrieked.

It was a blur. I basically jumped over the counter, grabbing Sadie and trying to pull her off. She clung tight to Bunny's hair, hitting her repeatedly in the face.

"STOP!" I screamed. Kyle ran to help, yanking Sadie's fingers from Bunny's hair and helping me drag her off. She thrashed around, trying to get free from our hold. Lukas and Peej helped Bunny to her feet.

"YOU HOMEWRECKING BITCH!" Sadie kept yelling. I looked up to see Bunny's face now. It was red from being hit, and she was holding her head, crying softly. I looked back down to see a clump of Bunny's hair in Sadie's hand. She kept trying to get away from us and attack her again. Peej took her in my room and he locked the door.

"Lukas, call the police." I said.

Kyle and I tried holding Sadie still until the cops showed up, but she elbowed Kyle and slipped from my hold and ran out the door. She took off in her car and I told the cops. They said they'd find her, and go ahead and send cops to my house anyway to get a statement from everyone.

While we waited for that, I rushed to my room and knocked. Peej opened the door and ran to Bunny and hugged her tight. "I am so sorry. Are you okay?"

She nodded, still sniffling. "It's not your fault. She's crazy."

"I should never have brought her here... I just had no clue you were coming or that she would do that... Is your head okay?" I said. She nodded again, combing her fingers through it. "She pulled a lot out but it isn't noticeable or anything. No bald spots."

I hugged her again. "I'm so fucking sorry."

She hugged me back. "It's okay. I love you."

"I love you too. The cops are coming okay? They're gonna wanna talk to you."

We all talked to the cops, and Bunny decided not to press charges but to get a restraining order against her. The cops took her information and gave her a date for when she could go to the office and fill out the proper forms. After they left, we all just sat around in silence.

"That was... insane." I said.

"Very. You okay Sara?" Kyle said.

She laughed. "It's funny now but in the moment it was... I don't know. It caught me totally off guard."

"It's not funny, I'm so pissed. I'm glad you're getting a restraining order. I might get one too." I said. She rubbed my shoulder.

"I'm just glad I didn't actually let her keep manipulating me." Peej said. "I'm glad you didn't actually kick me out."

I shook my head. "Bitches be bonkers bro. Can't fault you that much."

For the rest of the night, we ate the pizza Bunny brought and watched movies.

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