Chapter 10

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Baylen's POV

When we got to the hospital they swept her away and took me to the waiting room. They gave me paperwork to fill out. I did it as best I could and handed it back. My head was spinning. I waited there for many minutes, the panic never ceasing. I couldn't handle this. I called my dad, not knowing what else to do.

"Dad?" I said. My voice didn't sound like mine.

"Baylen? What's wrong?"

"I think I'm having a panic attack or something I-I-I- feel like I can't breathe." I spoke in turrets.

"Slow down... what happened?"

I did my best to relay the situation to him. My mom chimed in and they both tried to calm me down.

"You did everything right, all you have to do now is wait." My dad said.

"Yeah baby, it's gonna be okay. I know it will." Mom said, her voice sad.

"I love her so much." I started to sob. If anyone in the waiting room gave me weird looks, I didn't notice. I didn't care. The pain and panic I felt was worse than anything I'd ever experienced.

"I know, buddy." Dad said. "Just picture her with you. Picture her okay."

I tried, and after even more long minutes, I felt my heart slow back down. I was still shaking, but nor as bad.

"Baylen Levine?" a nurse called.

"Love you guys." I hung up the phone and stood up quickly, leaving my phone and keys in my seat without a second thought. I followed her down the hall and to Sadie's room. She was still out, connected to an IV. I went to walk in but the nurse stopped me.

"She's okay. She hit her chest pretty hard on the wheel in the crash and that's what caused the momentary flatline in the ambulance. She went into cardiac arrest, but she is stabilized. She should wake up soon. Unfortunately only family can be in the patient's room."

"P-Please! Just let me sit with her. She's my girlfriend." I begged.


"I pulled her out. I held her and I thought she was going to die. Please just let me see her and and.. touch her. I need to hold her hand." I started crying again.

The nurse looked around and then got close to my ear.

"Perhaps I forgot to mention only family can come in, and I turned my back for a moment." With that, she turned around and pretending to write on her clipboard. I went in and shut the door behind me. I'd thank her for that later.

I pulled the air chair in the corner over to Sadie's bedside and sat there, squeezing his hand and kissing it over and over.

"I love you." I whispered repeatedly into her skin.

I fell asleep at some point, and woke up and it had been 8 hours. Holy shit, was I that exhausted? I woke up to the door opening. Sadie's parents and brother entered and joined me at her bedside. They all hugged me and thanked me for saving her. We all sat together until she woke up.

*to be continued*


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