Chapter 2

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Sadie's POV

I woke up on Baylen's couch. I sat up, rubbing my eyes. The smell of bacon filled the air. The boys were all shirtless, wearing their shirts on their heads. They were cooking what looked like 20 POUNDS of bacon and sausage. When they noticed me they apologized profusely for waking me up.

"Did you hear us pirate calling?" Kyle said. Baylen shoved him, countering it with a swift, "I told him not to."

"Actually the smell woke me up. Bring me a plate." I smiled, stretching out. Peej made my plate and brought it to me, pretending to fart on me as he walked away. I slapped his ass.

"What's the move today?" Kyle asked, sitting criss cross applesauce on the counter next to Baylen at the stove. Baylen finished his last pan of sausage and flicked the stove off.

"I think we should do something spontaneous." Peej said.

"I agree." Lucas chimed in, coming down the stairs. Baylen threw some bacon at him.

"It's up to you Baylen." Kyle said. We all looked to him.

He threw his hands up. "Dude I don't know I can't make decisions."

"Everyone just start naming shit then." Peej suggested.


We sat on the couch now, all eating the heaps of bacon the guys made.

"I wanna go to the mall." Kyle said. "Massages, free samples, ladies... sounds so fun."

"No, man. We always do that. Let's go to a skating rink. We haven't done that in forever!" Peej said with his mouth full.

"That's too boring. If we're filming we gotta go a little bigger. What about a museum? Or some kind of thing led by a tour guide?" Lucas said.

"You're calling MY idea boring but you wanna go to a museum?" Peej laughed.

"I don't care where we go, but we have to bring Lilah." Baylen said. "She asked me if we could hangout today."

"Yesss I love Lilah." I said. "We stayed up all night when we stayed at your dad's talking about Hawaii. She wants to go sooo bad."

"Yeah that's all she fucking talks about!" Baylen rolled his eyes.

I suddenly got an idea.

"Guys. What if we go to fucking Hawaii?" I said.

Everyone exchanged looks.

"Why not?" Lucas said, shrugging.

"Yeah shit I mean I'm down." Peej said. He and Kyle high-fived. We all looked to Baylen.

He smirked. "Let's do it."

We all jumped up, cheering. We scrambled around to pack our stuff while Baylen FaceTimed Lilah to tell her.


We all went to Baylen's parents house to get Lilah. A few more of our friends started showing up. Double trouble, Dizzy, TJ, even Yachty showed up! We all stood on the driveway talking excitedly while Baylen went inside to get his sister and say bye to his parents.

"Sadie, how are you?" Lil Boat said. I dapped him up.

"I can't complain, man." As I said that a tall, attractive guy I'd never seen before walked up next to us.

"This is my friend Kade. Kade, this is Sadie." Boat introduced us. Kade shook my hand.

"Nice to meet you, Sadie." He flashed a smile and winked at me and I smiled back politely.

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