Chapter 17

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Baylen's POV

I fell asleep after awhile and when I woke up the meds had worn off completely.

My parents were gone but Lilah sat on the couch in front of my bed on her phone. I tried to sit up but it hurt quite a bit. I winced, causing Lilah to look up.

"Hey. You're up." She came to the bed and held her hand out to dap me up. I did, and continued to try and sit up.

"Ssss... Fuck." I winced again and plopped back down. "This shit hurts."

"What are you trying to do?" She asked.

"Just sit up so I'm not looking at the ceiling."

"Here, put your arms around me." She said. I did and she lifted me up gently, just enough to prop my pillows up better. When I layed back I was sitting up more.

"Thank you." I said.

"The nurse said to tell her when you woke up so you could give you your meds for pain." Lilah reached over me to hit the red button on my remote. It beeped and moments later a nurse came in.

"Everything okay?" She asked.

"Uh... pain meds? It hurts a lot when I move." I said.

"Oh yes of course, Mr. Levine. Great to see you up again." She went out of the room for just a minute then returned with the pills and a cup of water. I took them and set the cup on the table near my bed.
"I'll bring you your dinner." She said before leaving.

"Thank you." Lilah and I both called after her. The door clicked shut.

Lilah sighed, fiddling with the strings of her shorts. "I'm really sorry, Baylen."

"What? It isn't your fault." I said.

"I know but it feels like that. I'm really really sorry you got hurt." She looked up, biting her lip. Her face was red.

"Don't cry."

She looked up, blinking her eyes to clear them of tears. "I won't."

"I'm okay, that's all that matters. And hey, now I have some content. I can make a storytime video of this. You can be in it."

She laughed. "No. That doesn't seem kid friendly."

"I mean it's MY channel we're talking about. It isn't exactly kid friendly anyway." I said.

Just then, there was a knock on the door. Lilah opened it and in walked all my friends. Peej, Kyle, Sadie, Noah, double, and then following close behind, SEBAS!

"Hey guys. How- HOLY SHIT! SEBAS!" I said. He ran up and gave me a high five. "What up bro?"

We all laughed. Sadie sat on my bed next to me and gave me a gentle hug. She kissed me all over my face. "So happy you're okay."

"I can't believe you got shot." Double said.

"Dude I know." I said. "I'm in the streets like that, you feel me."

Everyone laughed. Lilah waved to Sebas and he nervously waved back.

"Room for one more visitor?" My friend Juliauna peered in.

"Hey Ju!" I said. She ran over and hugged me. Sadie eyed her.

"Sadie, this is one of my best friends Ju. Ju, this is my girlfriend Sadie."

"Oh my gosh of course I know Sadie, Baylen. Hi, I'm Juliauna. I love your channel! Seriously huge fan!" Ju said, reaching her hand out.

Sadie didn't take it. She looked Ju up and down and cocked her head to one side, crossing her arms. Ju put her hand down and glanced at me and then looked at the floor awkwardly. "Ooookay nevermind."

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