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"Marianne! Over here!"

The lovely voice of her best friend called out for her, patting at the seat available next to him. He must've noticed at how her eyes darted in search of him.

"Oh, Wyatt! Hello." she giggled running awkwardly to the seat beside him. "How was your summer?" Wyatt asked. "Oh fantastic! Italy was amazing and the food was heaven." she chuckled.

"How was London?"

"London has been." Wyatt rolled his head, "London's London, nothing has changed, other than the outfits." he mumbled.

He always hated London. Well, technically he hated his mum but she lives in London, and he didn't have a good time with his mum therefore he didn't have a good time in London.

"Awe, come on. Surely there's been something new. Aunt Jenna must've had something new with her, other than a bloke." Marianne sneers.

Wyatt rolled his eyes and smirked.

Looking down at Marianne, eyes glistening. "There is something." He smugly smiled.

Marianne's eyes glimmered in excitement, a gift! She guessed. His eyes always shone like that when he has a gift for her. And a gift specifically from the muggle world.

"It's a new vinyl." He said, "Well, not new in terms of when it was released but surely new to your collection." He says while he rummages his carry-on luggage for it.

Marianne's jaw was on the floor when he pulled out one of the vinyls she's been having a hard time. Now she definitely needs to buy him a gift just as worthy like his.

"Oh Merlins, Wyatt! Thank you!" she said, looking and admiring the cover of Beggars Banquet 1968.

"Only for the best." Wyatt chuckled.

Sooner they got caught into their usual conversations. Until a group of boys, known for their looks and mischief, all forced themselves to sit in front of them in the cabin, out of all the other seats.

Wyatt and Marianne both awkwardly paused and raised their eyebrows at the four boys.

Wyatt and Mariannes didn't want them to be there. They too look like they didn't want to be there.

James Fleamont Potter, sat by the right. Awkwardly looking around the cabin. Next to him to his left is Sirius Black. To Marianne, he was more attractive than James. Only because he isn't annoying like James, he's... unique. He sat with his arms crossed, his eye brows furrowed as he muttered words to himself while looking down at his shoes. Then to his left is Peter Pettigrew.

The timid and quiet one of the three, he took more of Marianne's interest. He and her have never talked to each other, other than that one time in year 3 potions where the two were partnered. And he was sweet, and polite. Definitely the most paranoid and obedient of the four, in Marianne's observation. He sat there, fidgeting with his thumbs, he looked up to Marianne and Wyatt with the same confused look as them, but gave a faint smile.

Then there's Remus Lupin. Everyone liked Remus Lupin. He was smart, attractive, funny and unlike his best mates, is actually pretty sane and have a sense of understanding social cues. Never a flirt, nor a mischievous one. At least, no one has caught him doing any mischief. He looked more pleasant than the other three as he gave warm smiles to the two and pulled out a pocket book to read.

Wyatt and Marianne gave each other looks, and they communicated like that for a while.

Wyatt looked at Marianne with a look asking, 'What're they doing here?'

Marianne shrugged, gave a look that answered, 'I have no idea. They do look distraught.'

Wyatt scoffed quietly giving her another look as a response that said, 'Yeah, I never think I'd see James Potter lose all his charm so suddenly.'

Marianne quietly sighed and looked at the group who still minded their own business before looking back to Wyatt, another look that demanded, 'Well, do something about it!'

Wyatt gave a look of disbelief, 'Merlins! Why me?'

Marianne rolled her eyes and gave him a look to say, 'You're the man.'

Marianne nudged her head slightly to point at the group and Wyatt scowled as he hesitated to speak up, "Hello." his voice almost cracked.

The three, other than Sirius, looked up to the two friends.

"Oh, Hello." James shakes his head, sending his iconic smirk towards Marianne.

"Sorry we barged in unexpectedly." James sighed, "You don't mind right?" he grinned.

Wyatt opened his mouth but James had cut him off, "Thanks." he winked.

"What's your name lovely?" Sirius suddenly switched back to his usual, care-free, flirtatious self as he eyed Marianne.

Marianne faked a smile, "Marianne Pfiffier (a/n, it's pronounced as fi-fer btw)."

"Ah, Marianne!" Sirius beamed, "The girl Wormtail hasn't shut up about since year 3."

Peters head darted up and he turned red of embarrassment. "Sirius!" he whined.

"Oh, was that a secret? I couldn't tell." Sirius acted innocent as he looked down on Peter who was fuming pink.

"Oh," Marianne could only say. For some reason, the knowledge that Peter Pettigrew liking her made her blush as she gave a faint smile. She had guys liking her, but she never even dared to smile while thinking about the tulips they ever gave her. She doesn't mean to break their hearts, it just never made sense for her. Like, why her?

I'm stalling, aren't I?

Well, Anyway. Sirius and Peter bickered for a bit, Peter suddenly talking about how Sirius couldn't shut up about one of them fancying a girl because the girls they fancy don't fancy Sirius and Sirius was talking about how if Peter wanted his crush to be kept quiet he should've stopped annoying them about, 'Oh, Marianne gave me a smile today!' 'Marianne looked at me!' as if he was certain they'd be a thing. Very loudly by the way, It made Wyatt and Marianne uncomfortable to say the least.

James and Remus didn't seemed all to bother, Remus managing to read peacefully, as if the bickers of his friends are white noise, while James watched amused, Peter has never been this pink and defensive. He's still a big of a complainer however.

And a whiner.

Wyatt scowled, how could they talk about his best friend like that as if she's not sitting there with a shocked expression for whatever is suddenly unraveling in just the matter of 30 seconds.

"Are they always like this?" Wyatt asked in disbelief, looking at Remus.

"Yeah, just let them-" Remus looked up to his book, seeing the ugly scowl Wyatt had and Marianne's uncomfortable shifting in her seat and his eyes widened, suddenly now hearing his white noise and understanding the words they were making.

"Oh my, I am so sorry-" he looked at Peter and Sirius, "Enough you two! Marianne is right in front of you have a little shame!" He scolded.

Wyatt and Marianne once again looked at each other with an even confused look.

Sirius and Peter quiets down, Sirius not looking one bit bothered as he shrugged and sank back on the seat, Peter on the other hand..."Sorry," he sighed, looking anywhere but Wyatt and Marianne.

"Unbelievable." Wyatt scoffs, he grabbed his baggage and grabs Marianne's wrist who had already pulled her purse as he drags her out to a new cabin.

"Too well of a first impression?" James sighed.

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