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Marianne awoke early and prepared for school quickly.

She was known to be a good student, finished her work early, was organised, lived by the rules all the same time being care-free.

She caught up with Wyatt on the way to the Great Hall. "Rosetta has been sending me apology letters of how she bullied me." he sneered.

Marianne scoffed, "I was right, wasn't I? She likes you."

"But I'll never like her back." Wyatt stated. "That's because Wyatt has already eyes for another." James said out of nowhere.

"Good Morning James." Wyatt groaned.

"Wow, Wyatt? Acknowledging me first?" James faked a gasp. "Oh sod off." Wyatt made a face.

"Good Morning Marianne, slept well?" Remus came next, sitting next to James.

"I did. Thank you." Marianne smiled, "Good Morning too."

"Good morning sunshine!!!" Sirius said in a sing-song voice.

"Sirius? A morning person? Who would've guessed." Wyatt shrugged.

Sirius sarcastically rolled his eyes.

"Hi. Good morning," Peter came next, smiling widely at Marianne who blushed and smiled back, before nodding at the rest.

"Slept well?"

"Oh Very." Marianne giggled. "Good," he starts, "Do you guys have you schedules yet?" Peter then looked to the group.

They all pulled out their timetable and they all shared their classes to see who else gets to be with them.

"I've got..Herbology!" Marianne looked at the group, Peter beamed, "Me too!"

Marianne smiled, "Oh, lovely! What about you Wyatt?"

"I've got potions, eugh." He faked a gag. "Me too." Sirius groaned. "I've got Divination." James shrugged. "And Remus?" they all looked at Remus who blankly shrugged, "Defence against the dark Arts."

"Ohh his favourite!" Sirius cheered.

"Walk with me to Herbology?" Peter looked up to Marianne who smiled and nods her head.

"Oh! Get a room!" James barked in laughter.

Marianne stuck a tongue out to him and looked over to Wyatt, "You'll be alright?" she asked, eyes contorted in soft concern.

Wyatt swallowed his waffles and looked at Marianne.

James words played around his head, his expression softened and he looked back between her and Peter before puffing his cheeks and nodding, "Yeah, yeah i'll be 'right."

Marianne nods, exhaling as her grin widened, "Alright." she said softly.


Peter and Marianne is where everyone's focus at, so suddenly Marianne is giddier than ever and Peter has been slowly being more, social.

It was bizarre, but not a strange pair to see a girl like Marianne, heart bigger than her chest and personality brighter than the suns, with a guy like Peter, shy like a mouse, sneaky like a rat.

They walked care-free, giggling to themselves as their smiles and pink faces brightened up the halls a bit, everyone moved from their way, pausing a bit to see who is blinding their eyes.

Marianne couldn't believe it, it's only been a day or three and she's already feeling her heart sink in a clear ocean of love and curiosity of a new blissful feeling.

Peter couldn't believe the most prettiest girl he has ever laid eyes on was standing next to him with pure joy as she stammered words.

"I've never got an answer, why is it that you and your friends entered our cabin a bit... disgruntled??" Marianne chuckled.

Peter panicked a bit, red with embarrassment as he remembered what happened a few days ago.

"Hey, I wonder if that's Marianne." Peter looked up to a brunette who's got her back facing him, "I really want to talk to her. Did you know she smiled at me so brightly the last day of year 4?"

"Peter, not every brunette you see is Marianne, and she smiled at everyone like that!" Sirius grumbled. "What's got your panties tied in a knot today, Sirius?" James scoffed.

Sirius gave a glare before sighing, "Arabella kissed Malfoy." he frowned. "Ew, aren't they like...cousins?" James snickered. "All Slytherins are cousins." Sirius rolled his eyes.

"Look, over there. My sweet Evans." James sighed dreamily as they walked near Lily Evans and her friends cabin, "Hey why don't we sit with them instead of just us four?"

Peter looked at James with a frown, "We won't fit!"

"Oh sure we can, wormtail!" James exclaimed, pushing the poor boy inside the cabin and he stood there awkwardly for a second, the girls pausing what they were doing to stare at him.

James, Sirius and Remus walked in next, Remus stood by the door, Sirius slightly in front of him with James an inch away from Peter who looked down shyly, as James eyed Lily Evans who sneered.

"Excuse me? This cabin is full." she raised her eyebrows. "Sure it isn't." James grabbed Lily's wrist, raised her to her feet as he sat on her seat and placed Lily on his lap.

The others gawked at his boldness as he held a smug look. "See?"

Lily wasn't impressed. "You daft bimbo!" she slapped him and got off of him. "That's sexual harassment!" Marlene yelled.

"Hey- Woah— that wasn't what I was going for!" James defended himself, seeing as he messed up and the smug look from his face dropped to worry and fear, getting up and raising his hands as if he was innocent.

"You shouldn't have done that then!" Alice scowled.

"Yeah, I think you've crossed the line mate." Remus winced.

"Look! I'm sorry alright! I didn't mean—"

"Get away from me Potter." Lily Evans spat vilely.

She liked him to be fair and her friends thought her James would be good but what he did was uncalled for— in no way would it be sweet especially if Lily wasn't comfortable with moves like that, yet.

"God, I wonder how Marianne likes you freaks." Dorcas said, sighing.

"Marianne?" Peters eyes lit up. "Wait— she likes us?"

"Likes you— ow!" Marlene yelped as Lily pinched her, "that was a secret, Mar!"

"sorry..." she winced.

Peter shrugged, blushing madly as he stared at Marlene who slipped the fact Marianne has a crush, face dazed as he day dreamed Marianne liking him

She obviously took this the wrong way as she gasped, "You freak! Don't look at me like that!" she yells, uncomfortable with how he was staring.

"Oh— what!? No—! No—! I'm— I'm sorry!" Peter snapped into reality as he scrambled away from the girl.

"Oh! Get out!" "Yeah! Get out!"
"Girls only!"

the four scrambled out of the cabin.

"Okay—! Okay!" James gasped. He looked at Sirius who held in his laughter. "Girls..." James rolled his eyes. "Always playing hard to get, but easy in the bed." he made a low inappropriate comment.

Sirius chuckled, and Remus rolled his eyes, Peter still blushing as he found Marianne liked him. Well, maybe. I mean, he hadn't heard it from her yet so he wasn't too sure with it.

"What was that Mister Potter?"

The four all raised their heads, gulping slowly as their eyes met Professor McGonagall's.

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