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Wyatt and Marianne conversed, trying to forget what had happened earlier. Now dressed in their robes and uniform, they sat by the Gryffindor table waiting for the sorting and feast.

What's different this year is the shiny badge that named Marianne as this school year's Prefect.

While the hall was filling up with students, she greeted friends who passed by, and friends who sat behind her on the Hufflepuff's table.

The sorting had ended quickly, probably because Marianne was used to it by now. She's been here for 5 years, so it would make sense. She kept her back straight as she ate and giggled as Wyatt made comments about his bully, Rosetta Cornflower, who belonged more to Slytherin than she ever did Ravenclaw.

"Just because she's Ravenclaw doesn't mean she's smarter than the rest!" Wyatt frowned as he cuts his chicken. "Maybe she just likes you," Marianne said sarcastically, but still as a way to tease Wyatt who sneered. "As if."

Shuffling was then heard and Wyatt and Marianne looked up, pausing in the middle of chewing to see the four marauders once more sat in front of them.

They've cleaned themselves up, James eyes quickly flying to Lily Evans who was by the end of the table with her friends, Sirius giving lovey-dovey eyes to someone behind Wyatt, Remus once more giving a warm smile to the two, and Peter seemed tense as he kept shifting from one position to another in his seat.

"Hello." Remus said softly. Marianne couldn't help by to return a soft smile, "Hello."

"I've actually never met your friend." Remus smiled at Wyatt who at first was skeptically, but a nudge from Marianne made his high shoulders relax a bit as he forced a smile, "Wyatt Miller." he introduced before looking back down at his plate.

"Wyatt. Nice to meet you Wyatt, Remus Lupin." Remus introduced, as a courtesy.

"Yeah, we all know." Wyatt mumbled, a bit snarky.

Marianne frowned but to be fair, she couldn't blame Wyatt, I mean, he did let his friends talk rather uncomfortably about one of his friends crush on Marianne.

"Sorry, he's still a bit.. you know.." Marianne sighed.

"Oh, It's alright. I understand. We just want to apologise." Remus smiled, apologetically.

His smile then faltered when he noticed his friends weren't saying anything. "Fellas." he raises his voice a bit.

Peter flinch and fumbled with his fork, Sirius panicked and looked at Remus and James head snapped back to how it was, before it broke itself from staring at Lily for so long.

The three all cartoonishly looked at Remus who raised his eyebrows to them as if to signal something and they all cartoonishly nodded and faced Wyatt and Marianne.

Marianne and Wyatt shared a look, "We're sorry, Marianne." James sighed, "Yeah, Sorry love." Sirius smiled weakly, "You know, just got a bit carried."

Marianne nods, while Wyatt looked up, begging Merlin to get this finished with. Peter was last, "Sorry, Marianne.." he sighed, "I'm sorry if I made you uncomfortable." he said sincerely, eyes meeting hers for the first time since earlier, and also surprisingly the only one to do so while apologising, except Remus.

Marianne responsively smiled, appreciating the guys apologising.

"Sorry our first impressions was a bit.." James shrugged, nervously grinning.

"Our friend here really does like you though." Sirius nudged Peter who glared at him. "He's a maniac- Dont listen to him-"

"Ah, Come on, Peter. She already knows!" James cheered. "Shut it Potter!"

"Boys, what did we say?" Remus groaned and the three followed.

There was a pause. Marianne was fascinated on how cartoonishly the group acted. How one can say something to quiet the others, how one reaction can trigger the others reaction. They were almost like quadruplets.

"We never got your name." James points at Wyatt who rolled his eyes but sighed and introduced himself, "Wyatt Millers."

"Ah, Wyatt." James smiled, he then looked at Marianne and widened his eyes when he saw her badge, grinning as his index finger pointed now at it.

"You are a Prefect!" he chuckled, Marianne raised an eyebrow, "Yeah." she gave an amused smile. James dug through his pockets and almost dropped what he had pulled out in excitement to show her, and the group, "You're kidding," Marianne's face dropped.

"Yup! I'm also Prefect." he grinned.

"Oh James!" Remus exclaimed, congratulating his friend.

"Hold on, no offence but I would think Remus would be Prefect, I mean.." Wyatt looked at Remus.

"Yeah, that would make more sense than James now wouldn't it?" Sirius scoffed, agreeing with Wyatt.

"Whatever, I'm Prefect." James stuck his tongue out.

"Since you're a Prefect, be useful for once and take some points of Ravenclaw." Wyatt had muttered but everyone heard it.

"Why Ravenclaw?" Peter asked.

"Rosetta Cornflower has a crush on him and her love language is bullying." Marianne sarcastically answered for Wyatt.

"Ugh, as if I'd even like her back! She's mean and looks like a frog." Wyatt snapped.

"You idiot Miller!" the group suddenly heard a girl yell and they all looked to the girl who was a suddenly seated behind James Potter, over hearing the conversation.

She stood up as tears suddenly streamed down her face too!

"Woah, Wyatt! You don't look that type to make a girl cry." Sirius chuckled.

Marianne would've felt bad, but Rosetta did deserve it after the torment she had put Wyatt in. She doesn't believe that Rosetta likes Wyatt, you wouldn't hex your crush to wake up with itchy boils or call them every and any insults to exist whenever you two were partnered in potions.

Whoever taught Rosetta dating advices have a special place in hell just for them.

"I don't make girls cry, unlike you, Black." Wyatt stated, "But she deserved it." Wyatt shyly admitted.

The four boys gaped at Wyatt, eyes begging of him to spill what happened. Wyatt looked at Marianne for help but she just shrugged.

Sooner or later, the four boys stare became a pressure and he groaned, "Fine! She hexed me last year and I woke up with itchy boils all over me..." he sighed, lowering his voice as he embarrassedly said, "—even down there..."

Sirius and James looked at each other in bewilderment and bursted out laughing. Peter had his head hung low but his shoulder shook telling that he is laughing and Remus had a hand over his mouth, also shaking of laughter.

Wyatt eyed the four of them and rolled his eyes for the 100th time today, "Oh! Haha! It's sooo funny!" he sarcastically said, "You won't be laughing if it happened to you."

"I sense you two will just fit right with us." James said in between laughter.

Marianne smiled softly, unsure of even wanting to be friends but... oh what the heck, why not?

She grinned and looked at Wyatt who gave her an exasperated look.

She shrugged and giggled as she finished her plate of mash potato.

Looking at Peter in front of her who was caught staring as he looked away, pretending to be interested in the floating candles, cheeks tinted red.

Oh I like you too, Peter. Since year 3. Marianne said to herself as she gave a small smile to Peter before looking down at her plate.

Words can't describe how joyous she suddenly feels, she had always liked Peter but she didn't expect in a way like this. As she stared at him, feelings she mistook is now slowly unraveling it's true self. This will be a fun year.

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